Behaviour question

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Adult Guinea Pig
Mar 11, 2007
Reaction score
Tyne and Wear
Since moving Jessie from a hutch in to a open ferplast cage she has become more nosey, vocal and not so afraid except quick movements. Yesterday i went to try hold her but she made abit of aloud sqeeking noise i thought that meant she was scared so put her back in straight away and have gone back to letting her see me beside her cage. She's also been making normal little chirpping noises while running around and when i giver her veg. Is tis a happier type noise that guineas make. Just minutes ago she has been running around and twice has made a leap in the air, is this a popcorn or do they usually jump for no reason? Also what does a popcorn look like so i know when i see one and do they make different types of noises for differnt reasons? ?
Sounds like you have a happy popcorning pigger there :D
Yeah, how great. It's weird how social and noisey she has become since being moved into the wire cage. It's resting on top of my hutch so she is also right on my eye level and sits staring at me for ages. Shes in the room i spend most my day in so plenty of socialisation to get her used to me. Can't wait to get her a friend i'm sure she'll be alot happier then :smitten:
aww she sure is happy with you. Take her out often and I'm sure she'll love the cuddles with you too :)
What really :o She has been looking over the bars looking out into the room, probably just taking in the surroundings now she can see better :)
Haha i would but i share with my sis whos a sleep and have bunks so i'm on the top ;D She's falling asleep now, eyes opening and closing slowly. I have to tip toe out my room when i want a cuppa or she darts of but it's getting better, doesn't take 5 mins just to swivel my chair around ;D
Lo well it's ok now she just watches me from her house and doesn't dart all over now :)
Awwwwww a happy piggie popcorning, it's so cute isn't it. Don't you love the way they will be trotting along then all of a sudden the head twists and the butt goes the other way, hilarious ;D ;D ;D and beautiful :smitten: :smitten: :smitten:

I reckon she must loooove her new pen more room and she can see more :) :) :)
You know popcorning the first time you see it! Caesar jumps straight up and bucks like a horse! When Cornelia does it, she tends to do it in sets, running like a wild beast! lol! She also tends to kick both her hind legs to one side and makes a crazy, mad woman squealing sounds. They are so adorable <<33
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