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Sep 30, 2009
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West bromwich
Ive noticed alot of people who have their new piggys saying they have seen them popcorn or running around... well ive had my three for about a month now and i have yet to see them popcorn or run for that matter! they walk about, follow each other but no playing as far as i can see. Is this because they are still settling in? how long do piggys take to settle into a new home? and another thing. although they are fine when being held - yes even francesca funnily enough!- they run away when i attempt to pick them up - it does take a while for me to actually get them! lol! will they get used to me over time?
I have the same problem when catching Marvin what I do is sit in his run when he is in his cage just sit and talk to him... He starts trying to work out how he's going to get out the cage door without being caught lol and comes right over too the bridge then I just pick him up.... Saves the stress of chasing him round the cage! :))
i hate having to chase them round the cage - i feel like I'm scaring them! I Just want them to be happy but at the moment they still seem a little wary - they dont run about, or play although they do wheek like mad for their veg when i click my tongue... :))
Most people start out with youngsters or babies - you have adults!

At about one year old, when they turn adult, piggies tend to calm down a lot.
It's all about taking it slow, Africa has been with me at least 2 years now and he's still freaked out if I just try and grab him =]
wiebka thats true, i didnt think of that!
Its funny though - they are in the playroom next to the kitchen and when i start to cut their veg, they hear and start wheeking! they take veg from my hand - well - they snatch veg from my hand and run away to a safe spot lol x i thought francesca was the greediest but i take that back -duke is by far THE greediest piggy ever - i gave them all a bunch of parsley yeterday and duke ate most of it before the rest had even realised it was there! and when i bathed him yesterday he just looked so funny with his small head but fat tummy :) hee hee! when i had to clean his manly bits i layed him on his back and he just stayed there! just laying on his back! hillarious! i would take some more pics but my camera phone is broke :(
You are going to have to borrow a phone cos I want to see your piggies! :p

Bet he looked cute on his back, I love piggy tummies! :<>
Yours may not popcorn, but they sure are tame and used to humans! :)):)):))

Looking forward to when you can post pics!
yeh i may just have to borrow my friends phone to take some! I'm dying to take some more pics of the pigglys and their cage layout! They still make a mad dash when i try and pick them up although gwen is really easy to pick up because 9/10 she just stands there and lets you pick her up. duke LOVES having his chin rubbed! He's like a mini dog! ha ha x
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