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Junior Guinea Pig
Mar 1, 2015
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Just out of interest, what bedding do people use for their piggies?

I use a layer of newspaper and then lots of hay on top. Was thinking of using vet bed as it will be soft on their feet. What do people think about vet bed for piggies?

Thank you
I use vet bed with a layer of towels. I am really happy with it. It is especially designed to wick away urine so it remains dry and it is nice and soft for guinea pigs.
I was using fleece for a long time, but now I just have my one piggy and I switched her over to carefresh recycled paper bedding and OH MAN, I LOVE it! I think Vixen really likes it too as I always find her lying in a nice spot that she's made all poofy for herself :) I find I only have to switch it out every 5 days (I could go longer but I feel like it'd be a bit weird) and it doesn't stick to her or anything. I always go in and check but it's never damp either- just dried poop that I kinda mix in as the week goes on. The only downside I'm finding is that she gets little bits of the bedding in her food dish, but I just pluck them out lol
I use vet bed with a layer of towels. I am really happy with it. It is especially designed to wick away urine so it remains dry and it is nice and soft for guinea pigs.
That's great thank you. can I ask where you purchase yours from please?
I use fitch as a main bedding it's made from recycled paper with a layer newspaper underneath but i have a bale of wood-shavings for emergencies in case i forget to order the fitch...

I love fitch, i don't have the time for fleece or i would use that but fitch it's one of the best beddings I've come across! :)
I use vet bed with a layer of towels. I am really happy with it. It is especially designed to wick away urine so it remains dry and it is nice and soft for guinea pigs.
Can I ask, how many pigs do you keep on your vet bed and how often do you wash it? I was thinking of washing it every 3 days and I will have 2 pigs on mine

Thank you
Can I ask, how many pigs do you keep on your vet bed and how often do you wash it? I was thinking of washing it every 3 days and I will have 2 pigs on mine

Thank you
What you have suggested sounds perfect. When I had 5 pigs I washed it every three days. Now I have four pigs I wash it every four days as the towels are hardly wet after three days but my cage is 8 by 3. Your idea of washing it every three days is great.
My piggys are outdoors so I use aubiose then hay if it is is winter.
When I move my piggys I a heated shed when I move house in a few weeks I will be using cage liners from c and e cosies.
I use easibed because I already use it for my quail, it works well and is very absorbent. It's great for odour control and doesn't smell of anything, but I am thinking of switching over to fleece because it gets quite expensive.;)
I use easibed because I already use it for my quail, it works well and is very absorbent. It's great for odour control and doesn't smell of anything, but I am thinking of switching over to fleece because it gets quite expensive.;)
Oh how lovely to have a quail. I would love to see pictures if you would not mind.
What you have suggested sounds perfect. When I had 5 pigs I washed it every three days. Now I have four pigs I wash it every four days as the towels are hardly wet after three days but my cage is 8 by 3. Your idea of washing it every three days is great.
Thank you very much for your advice I think I am going to go with vet bed. Do you think I should wash it before I use it? Have you experienced any negatives with the vet bed? In the summer I have a lovely hutch I'm going to put my pigs in. Do you think it will be ok in an outdoor hutch too? I will have them indoors in the winter. Sorry to ask you so many questions! Hope you don't mind. Thank you
Thank you very much for your advice I think I am going to go with vet bed. Do you think I should wash it before I use it? Have you experienced any negatives with the vet bed? In the summer I have a lovely hutch I'm going to put my pigs in. Do you think it will be ok in an outdoor hutch too? I will have them indoors in the winter. Sorry to ask you so many questions! Hope you don't mind. Thank you
Please do not worry about asking me questions. Ask as many as you like. I have not had any negative experiences with vet bed. I really love it and so do my pigs. They often just sleep on it rather then using their beds which tells me how comfortable they find it. I have never had outdoor pigs so I am not sure if it can be used outside. I wash it once before use just to ensure any lose fibers come off.
Please do not worry about asking me questions. Ask as many as you like. I have not had any negative experiences with vet bed. I really love it and so do my pigs. They often just sleep on it rather then using their beds which tells me how comfortable they find it. I have never had outdoor pigs so I am not sure if it can be used outside. I wash it once before use just to ensure any lose fibers come off.
That's great, thank you. I shall order some today thank you so much for your help
I use easibed because I already use it for my quail, it works well and is very absorbent. It's great for odour control and doesn't smell of anything, but I am thinking of switching over to fleece because it gets quite expensive.;)
Yay someone else that has quail! I have coturnix quail- a male and female and they live in the bottom of my aviary!
Yay! I have 3 females and a male. They are inside for the winter but I'm getting the aviary ready for them this week. I hatched them in June, two of the girls are golden Italians, the boy is a Texas A&M and the other girl is a normal coturnix. Love them to bits and because they were hand reared they are very tame (which is unusual for quail really!)

I have to say, my male's crow spooked my two piggies out when they first heard it lol, but they are used to it now (they are in the same room)! Do you keep any other birds in your aviary? I was looking into getting some finches, maybe something really easy like zebra finches to start off with, I think they would be alright with the quail.
Oh how lovely to have a quail. I would love to see pictures if you would not mind.
Here you are, this is one of my golden Italians called Wren. I just woke her up from a nap she was taking on my lap! She is the tamest and hatched out an egg half the size of the others!P_20150307_153338.webpP_20150307_153231.webp
I use Profleece in the piggies sleeping huts. It has newspaper underneath with Zorb fabric on top of that, and paper kitchen towels on top of that. The paper towels absorb any urine that goes through the Profleece and helps them to dry. Profleece is a cheaper version of Vetbed. I get it from I buy large pieces and cut them to size. I find that the more of it you have, the less often you have to wash it.
Please do not worry about asking me questions. Ask as many as you like. I have not had any negative experiences with vet bed. I really love it and so do my pigs. They often just sleep on it rather then using their beds which tells me how comfortable they find it. I have never had outdoor pigs so I am not sure if it can be used outside. I wash it once before use just to ensure any lose fibers come off.

how often would you say you have to wash it? do you use it in the whole cage? I have 1 stinky 3 footed Piggy. Thank you.
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