Bedding Options?

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Junior Guinea Pig
Mar 28, 2014
Reaction score
Lancashire, UK
Hi all :)
My boys are currently on fleece bedding but we are having issues with it, 2 constantly chewing it and my shelties hair all over it etc. Finding it hard to keep clean so I'm looking for other options (except wood shavings).
I was looking in Carefresh but think it's going to be quite expensive. Can anyone comment on Fitch? Whether it's any good or not?
Maybe something similar to carefresh or fitch?
I'm trying to get something in bulk that's not too expensive but is still comfy for my boys!
Suggestions and any help would be fab.
Thanks in advance :)
I've just started using Fitch and I love it! The 20kg bale goes a long way & it is so absorbant. I noticed that even in the areas they wee in the most, it wasn't wet, just brown. It's super easy to spot clean & doesn't leave any marks on the correx. My piggies were on woodshavings before & Marble was always sneezing. Probably from the dust, which was caked all over their room! Yuck. Also, when they weed on the woodshavings, it would get stuck to the base of the cage & stained it pretty bad :( With the Fitch there is none of that problem! It has no dust & Marbs has stopped sneezing completely :D

If you have any questions, do ask. I adore it. Ive used Carefresh in the past with the gerbils and one of my buns, while she was recovering from her spay & although it was brilliantly absorbant, I found it was incredibly dusty. Fitch is like a white, dust free, cheaper (!) Carefresh. Under £20 for a 20kg bale, which used now for the equivalent of 4 2x3 cages & one large gerbilarium & I'm not quite at the middle of it yet. Lol.

(My OH loves it too & he's a tough one to please! Haha)
Ive had my sheltie on aubiose with no issues. In the past she was on megazorb and no issues. With shelties having very smooth hair she doesnt seem to get much stuck in it
I use Fitch. Its soft, keeps piggy's very dry, no dust and goes along way. I want use anything else. I had to use care fresh once, because i ran out of fitch never again it was more dusty then woods having it was so bad that it made my white piggy and dirty grey.
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