Bedding help - allergy problem!

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Mar 26, 2008
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Hi All
New to the forum, but really enjoying the posts so far, everyone is so nice and helpful!

any suggestions for my problem would be great. I've recently got 2 gorgeous little girl pigs, who are currently indoors and bedded on newspaper and loads of hay. However, I'm pretty sure I'm allergic to the vast amounts of hay I'm using, and whilst I'm happy to still give them hay to snuggle into and eat, I would like to use something else for the majority of their bedding.

any feedback on a non irritant (fairly dust free) bedding appreciated, that is good for indoor use! I've read most of the previous posts on bedding types, but just want to make the best choice for both me and my girls :)
Have you tried dust free hay?
Are you sure its the hay and not the guinea pigs? (Not that you can do much about that!)

I suffer with allergies too. In my case it was the readigrass I was using but some of the timothy I got was dusty and set me off with hayfever. I'm now using dust free hay and will post up when I've an idea on how it goes (haven't opened it yet) you could always change the bedding to fleece? It means more cleaning out but may help with the allergy.

Good luck!

My first panic was that it was the piggies setting me off, but I've been fine handling other peoples in the past, so I'm pretty sure its the hay, as I do have tendencies to hayfever during the summer.
Is the dust free hay usual available in local shops, or would I need to look at the internet. Is it much more expensive than the normal stuff? I buy a meadow/timothy hay mix from a local stockists at the moment
You can buy dust free hay at The bale is 2.5Kg and will last me as just a food stuff for 2 weeks (I have 11 here at the moment 2 are rescue pigs though). It's £15.99 for 2 bales which works out pretty cheap but the more you buy the less you pay per week if that makes sense. :)
Thanks. I'll look out for your post on the hay, to see what you think about it! I have also thought about using fleece, I presume this would work best with hay in their sleep area to snuggle into?
Yep you can do that I have cosys though so don't really bother but if pigs are outdoors then I would give them more hay to snuggle into. :) Just opened it and its great stuff, no dust and the pigs prefer that than their veggies! ;D
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