Hi, i use a mixture of beddings in my hutches. In the 'bedroom' sections my pigs have fleece and vet bed, and like an indoor cage that gets a good sweep. I have found they don't make a great bedding over all for hutches as you will find that the pigs will want to spend more time out in the open part if they are confidnent, i think do to the more confined space, fleece or vet bed just tends to get filthy and damp so quickly outside. I use aubiose, or sundown poultry bedding (unscented) over a layer or cardboard then nespaper. Ontop of the hemcore goes fine chopped straw, something like medibed or another poultry bedding and then stop that tons of hay with racks for timothy hay and other nice things. I've found the base of card, and them a hemcore or horse substrate remains far drier outside.