Bedding Easibed?

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Junior Guinea Pig
Mar 15, 2015
Reaction score
north east
has anyone tried it ? seems quite cheap at £6.99 for a 20kg bag :)
Easibed, from my understanding, is quite similar to Aubiose. I haven't used it for pigs, but used it when I had horses. It was a decent bedding in my opinion, but I preferred Aubiose.
i havent found auboise only easibed or megazorb i know megazorb is good just wondered if many on here used easibed x
I'm not sure though this boarding recommends putting a think layer of easibed over megazorb. I guess the only way to see is to buy some or contact the company for a sample.
has anyone tried it ? seems quite cheap at £6.99 for a 20kg bag :)
I used to use easibed, I found it worked very well. It is like small wood chips, but it isn't even slightly dusty. It is great for absorbing the smell and unlike, say, woodshavings, doesn't have a smell of its own so you won't even know it or the piggies are there! The only reason i've just changed to fleece is I wanted to try it out and it doesn't cost anything. Compared to other beddings easibed is quite cheap, and lasts a while. It is also very soft for wood chips.

You might need quite a thick layer of it though, depending on how big your cage is/how many pigs you have. But it works great indoors and outdoors.

There's one other thing, it is very slow to rot down so if you don't have a very big compost you could take it to the garden waste section of your nearby tip/recycling centre or just bag it up and bin it.

Give it a go and see what you think, you can always change back!

Hope this helps:D
thankyou so much sanderling :) luckily we live on a small holding so getting rid of waste is nice and easy :)

Goth Mummy i found it in millbry hill :) thought it might be worth a try of some
Ooh where have you found Easibed for £6.99 a bale? Thats good and less than I pay. I used it for my horse too.
Cheapest I could find was for £9, most expensive was £12 (if they had to order it in). I might still use it if I could find it for £6.99! Still, it's relatively cheap compared to other beddings :-)
I used it for a while because it was cheap but I didn't like it. It is fairly absorbent but I think the pieces are quite sharp and hard so I used to put a layer of hay ontop of it. As oppose to what someone else said, I did actually think it was dusty, it used to make me sneeze. With bedding it's all down to personal preference though. So no harm in giving it a try I'd say. If it's not for you you can always switch again!
I used it for a while because it was cheap but I didn't like it. It is fairly absorbent but I think the pieces are quite sharp and hard so I used to put a layer of hay ontop of it. As oppose to what someone else said, I did actually think it was dusty, it used to make me sneeze. With bedding it's all down to personal preference though. So no harm in giving it a try I'd say. If it's not for you you can always switch again!

I remember a couple of years ago I used it for my mice but found it was too dusty, now it seems fine. Maybe it's changed for the better:)
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