Bedding Choices

Biscoffi & Toffee

New Born Pup
Aug 12, 2023
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Hi we recently just changed our boys to x3 Layer Fleece liner, and we spot clean every day, and change and wash the fleece every 4 days. But we was wondering if there is a way or a bedding that we could add to the fleece that would reduce the smell as we have just changed the bed recently (Yesterday) and today it is already starting to pong with wee smell in the room. Does anyone have any advice on what we could do.

One thought I had was to buy a smaller C & C cage and add it as an extension to the cage with a ramp to the other area where I could put their food and hay and some more oder hiding bedding like paper or wood shavings. Does anyone else have any ideas that would work?


Biscoffi & Toffee
Is there anything absorbent under the fleece? And how often do you clean out the hay - assuming you put it in piles straight on the fleece.

When mine were inside, they had a hay tray (cat litter tray). I used biocatelet, newspapers, puppy pads and washable incontinence pads as the bedding. It stayed pretty odourless. The other thing I did to extend the time between full cleans was to use noodle bath mats on top of the fleece. If I changed them regularly, the fleece could stretch to 5-6 days before I’d have to change.

If the fleece has nothing absorbent underneath then that may be the problem.
Is there anything absorbent under the fleece? And how often do you clean out the hay - assuming you put it in piles straight on the fleece.

When mine were inside, they had a hay tray (cat litter tray). I used biocatelet, newspapers, puppy pads and washable incontinence pads as the bedding. It stayed pretty odourless. The other thing I did to extend the time between full cleans was to use noodle bath mats on top of the fleece. If I changed them regularly, the fleece could stretch to 5-6 days before I’d have to change.

If the fleece has nothing absorbent underneath then that may be the problem.
We don't have anything under the fleece currently. We are using the 3 layer one which is meant to be really absorbent so it doesn't leek underneath but we could give it a try to put something underneath it.

As for the hay, I put a small amount ontop of the fleece which I change daily, but the rest is inside a little holder that is multipurpose for gnawing for their teeth, which holds all of it preventing them from pooping and weeing all over their hay
Is the liner one which has a waterproof bottom layer? If so then that can sometimes be the problem - they can sometimes smell more.

Some people find a liner which is fleece on top, absorbent layer in the middle and then fleece on the bottom tends to work better.
Alternatively, you can use a layer of incontinence/puppy pads (you can get washable ones) on the cage bottom and then lay a single layer of fleece on top of the pads. I don’t use fleece a lot (my lot live outside) but that’s what I do when they need to come indoors.

A Detailed Guide For Fleece Bedding
Are you using pee pads in the high wee spot areas? I use pads (small versions of the liner) under hides and in favourite pee corners and change them at least every other day. I find I can get 5 or 6 days out of the main liner by doing this. I leave the used pee pads in the cage on the days I change the liner to leave their scent in the cage, otherwise boars cause a stink remarking their territory.
Hello, I have absorbent mats (not sure if they are the same as what you are talking about or not, but they have 3 layers I think and aren't supposed let anything leak through), and in the houses, I put down woodshavings with hay on top. Not everyone likes woodshavings, but seems to work for us. Then I spot clean wet woodshavings from the houses every 2-3 days, and the large mats last a week. If there are any other areas of the cage that are getting bad towards the end of the week, then I sprinkle woodshavings over them. Hope this helps 😊
Are you using pee pads in the high wee spot areas? I use pads (small versions of the liner) under hides and in favourite pee corners and change them at least every other day. I find I can get 5 or 6 days out of the main liner by doing this. I leave the used pee pads in the cage on the days I change the liner to leave their scent in the cage, otherwise boars cause a stink remarking their territory.
Ahhh that may be whats happening, ours are boars too so they may just be remarking their territory then when we change it making the wee smell within a day. That actually makes a lot of sense I will have a look for some pads for them