Becoming Discouraged

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elvis is my cavy

Junior Guinea Pig
May 27, 2007
Reaction score
I got my two little girlies calypso and kiwi on thursday last week. I have been sitting at their cage talking to them, giving them some veggies and patting them. But still they always hide from me and run away from me :( i try to handle them sometimes so they will get used to me but they run away so i give up because i dont want to hurt them. I have read all the tips on the internet and i was just wondering how long it will take for them to get used to me?
Hi, don't become discouraged it's real early days yet. The running away is totally normal, with our first piggies we set up a video camera to see if they ever came out :))

They will soon settle, they need time to get used the smells and sounds of your house and used to you too. I would recommend to keep talking softly to them and try some hand feeling while Kiwi and Calypso are in their house - offer a sprig of coriander or parsley at his door and see if he will take it out you, slowly but surely you'll gain their trust. Here is a link to settling piggies Guinea pigs are prey animals and our tame girls run away when we go to pick them up, but you will get to a point were you can go over to them without them running off I promise.

Here is a link to a video showing you a stress free way of picking them up

We use this method with all our piggies as picking up them normally can stress you and them out and make it worse to begin with

Love their names BTW
With guinea pigs you need to be very patient. They are very timid. I have had Amelia Jane for six years and she still runs away from me. It is just the prey instinct. Please do not worry. You have had them such a short time and you will not know each other yet. Just relax and give it time.
Thanks for both of your responses- i have noticed that if i take them out for lap time and there in a blanket or a cuddle pouch, they are less stressed! Ive been trying the hand feeding but they dont move an inch haha, ill keep trying and one day they might take food out of my hand :) i will work with them everyday and use all your tips, I'm sure they will get used to me eventually
They will :) We used a cuddle cup to get Treacy used to lap times and in the end should loved laptime :) Blankets a good idea too, piggies love their comfort!
When i give them treats i usually put my hand in the cage with the food in my hand, and i stay still incase they are brave enough to eat out of my hand. Eventually i just put the treats in the bowl but atleast they know it was from me!
When i give them treats i usually put my hand in the cage with the food in my hand, and i stay still incase they are brave enough to eat out of my hand. Eventually i just put the treats in the bowl but atleast they know it was from me!

Thats a good idea, they will get used to 'The Hand that feeds'
don't worry, I've had Lola for nearly 2 years and sometimes she still gets jumpy and runs and hides from me, even though I hand feed her veggies and hold her everyday. It just takes time. Some piggies are naturally shy
As everyone else has said, it just takes time, patience & bribery! I've had mine 3 months & they happily take food off me now, have only just started letting me stroke them in the cage, and just this last week or so they've began to settle during laptime. So we're slowly but surely making progress & it's so rewarding watching their trust grow - enjoy them :-)
We've had guinea pigs for years and never had one that doesn't run away! It's instinct, pick them up firmly but gently and they will settle and enjoy your company. As everyone says, it takes time.
Do guys think its okay to get then out for lap time even though they dont let me pick them up? Or should i leave them be
My boys still run and hide from me, I've taken to just picking them up and cuddling them! Although I've had them for 8 months now I feel like I'm still learning about their personalities but I know they're not too horrified with cuddle time as they move about (rather than play dead) and sometimes even take food from me during cuddles. It does take time but they will get used to you. Just keep doing what your doing and maybe do cuddles little and often, starting with just a short 1-2 minute cuddle and gradually build the time up, that's what I did with mine.

Good luck
Definitely still get them out! The more you pick them up the more they will get used to it! They will still enjoy cuddles even though they aren't keen on being picked up. You will get to know how long to cuddle for, I have one who only lasts a few minutes before she complains! Others will sit for an hour and watch TV with me!
I sometimes use a chube or fleecey pouch with one of mine and herd him into that to get him out the cage which works well
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