Beau, What a Pose!

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Really pleased to see Beau becoming more confident in front of my camera (he's a very shy guinea pig) ;D He even did a pose for me today bless him :smitten:

AWW! lovely. :smitten: you're soooooo good at taking pics. :) don't worry i've read your thread ;) and hopefully will be able to have a photo shoot soon! :smitten:
Isn't he a beaut!? That is amazing. I cannot get my pigs to stay that still for anything! lol.
aaw thank you. He is pretty cute isn't he :smitten: lol He's really coming out of his shell recently, I'm so happy!
oh WOW smooches for him, what a handsome fella :smitten: :smitten: :smitten: :smitten: :smitten: :smitten: :smitten:

PIGGIE LIPS ahhhhhhhhhhh :-* :-* :-*
that's ana amazing photo!
Can I just ask is his name pronuonced Bow or boo?
I have a bunny called Asbeau and I have always said it like Asboo, but my mum said you pronounce it bow.
Did that make any sence? :D ;D
what a handsome pig!! cute pose there he could be a professional piggy model!
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