Beaphor Cage Granules

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Teenage Guinea Pig
May 25, 2013
Reaction score
Hertfordshire UK
So I have just discovered these exist, That probably makes me quite slow but seeing as only pets at home sell them in my area and i don't often go there (went to look at some rats in the adoption section) I have just found them, so I was wondering does anyone use them? are they any good? any tips and advice basically as i use newspaper and meadow hay to bed the cages rather than fleece or anything and sometimes the pee can smell as and when they do it.

I also found guinea pig wipes to give them wet wipe bathes does anyone use these as well? I was thinking they would be good for 2 of my pigs as they are neighbours they are always scent marking the border of their cage and so often smell a bit stronger. (if i block their view of each other 100% they get miserable, cant live with each other yet cant live without each other)

thank you :)
that was my worry but i read the bottle and it says put under the woodshavings or bedding not on top, so maybe if i put it under the newspaper?
Maybe but I'm not convinced. Piggies forage and burrow. I wouldn't personally risk it..maybe invest in fleece? It really is worth the money Intially and saves you ALOT of money long term :)
Maybe but I'm not convinced. Piggies forage and burrow. I wouldn't personally risk it..maybe invest in fleece? It really is worth the money Intially and saves you ALOT of money long term :)
i tried fleece but i cant get along with it as a cage liner at the moment i make my own fleece beds for my pigs but I didn't like it as cage liners, i will try it again one day in the future but right now its not for me the amount of hair my boys shed it clings to the fleece so much I couldn't get it off and I'm a total hair-o-phobe i have more lindt rollers than tesco haha, hence why I defo need to have skinnys one day :D
Ah yes I remember you saying about hair before lol I'm OCD I hoover everyday with my dog and she doesn't shed hardly anything. More annoying is the hay scattered from my husbands socks after he cleans out the chins lol
yes i am too scared to even get close to dogs, I cant do wet noses either or anything that can lift its tail and show off its bum area! I'm all for the caged animals :P
Plus..I was thinking..if these granules are quite pungent it may hurt their noses or give them respiratory problems? I don't know seems too good to be trustworthy..maybe I have piggy paranoia now lol
it's true, it depends how strong they are and how much is used, might be a trial and error thing and keeping an eye to see if the piggies become affected in anyway by it. I guess ill have a look online see if i can find some reviews,
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I've never tried but have heard good things from my manager. She said she uses them under wood shavings and it smells clean and that's all you can smell for a few days before you notice any smells
I was sent a free sample of those granules with an order from Zooplus. I've kept the packet for months, but haven't used it - something just makes me hold back, somehow. I'll probably end up throwing them away.
I have seen them and wondered but I'm not sure what the ingredients are .... could they be harmful to piggies?
ok i think I will get them and give them a try then and do a product review for everyone seeing as no one is sure. Reviews i have found online have been good, i found the odd person worried about respiratory problems but i will assess and let you all know so watch this space
Hmm the ingredients look fine there's no cleaning or chemicals from what i can see
The granules are silica based, which is just quartz really so mineral There's some fragrance to mask any initial smell and some enzymes to break down the ammonia from the pee, it may be a bit dusty but unless they are snorting it they shouldn't suffer as it appears to be made up of natural ingredients
I would advise against it... When i first had rabbits years ago i bought them and used them under sawdust and hay...they are very strong! Needless to say after using them a few times i got rid of them. They are very pungent and perfumey smell.
@MyGuineaPigPals bicarbonate of soda is traditionally used in cleaning for odour removal (eg sprinkled on carpets or as an opened pot in the fridge to absorb smells). I do use it sprinkled on the rubber matting in my horse's stable sometimes.
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