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Beans Has A Runny Nose And Sneezing


Adult Guinea Pig
Feb 6, 2016
Reaction score
I'm panicking about Beans. Last night I noticed a bit of of a wet nose, and the same this morning. She's sneezed a few times too. Obviously I'm panicking about a URI or something. Or could it be that she constantly burrows in hay? She usually has some green in her nostrils from burrowing in piles of hay.

I phoned to get an appointment for today but the only vet available is one who I absolutely will not see under any circumstances (due to his negligence not dealing with Toast the weekend that she passed away). So I've got one tomorrow morning with my usual vet. Will this be okay to wait until then? I'm at work all day/night but my mum is here to keep an eye on her and will let me know if anything gets worse.

She is out and about munching hay as normal, her nose isn't constantly running but it looks damp at her nostrils.. I'm worried about something getting worse
Poor you - what a worry. Has she lost weight?

I don't blame you not wanting to see 'that' vet. Just keep an eye on her and if she changes behaviour, you'll know whether it gets more urgent.

Hugs to you and Beans x
I think you are ok to wait, just be prepared to take her if she does get any worse. Eating is a good sign. It could even be a reaction to the hay as I notice mine react differently to each batch of hay they have. Especially Tabitha who has narrowed airways.
Poor you - what a worry. Has she lost weight?

I don't blame you not wanting to see 'that' vet. Just keep an eye on her and if she changes behaviour, you'll know whether it gets more urgent.

Hugs to you and Beans x
Thank you x
She's lost about 30g since Monday, although it doesn't sound like much Beans doesn't really lose weight she's always the same unless she's unwell. My mum's going to keep a close eye on her today x
I think you are ok to wait, just be prepared to take her if she does get any worse. Eating is a good sign. It could even be a reaction to the hay as I notice mine react differently to each batch of hay they have. Especially Tabitha who has narrowed airways.
Thanks, its first thing tomorrow morning i think she'll be okay but will keep a close eye on her. I was thinking possibly the hay as it's slightly dusty this time, I just don't want to take any chances with Beans being older
She's lost about 30g since Monday,

Is it worth supplementing her food with more pellets or something that is tempting and high in calories. I have an 8 plus year old boar who is skin and bone (and a lot of abi hair!) so I know what worrying about 30g feels like. He generally responds to more pellets, sweetcorn etc