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Baytril, Zantac And Emeprid

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Junior Guinea Pig
Mar 28, 2016
Reaction score
Stanley, Durham, UK
Hi all!

Tao is on baytril for a thickened uterus wall (believed to be due to infection). She lost weight and appetite when on it so has been prescribed Zantac syrup and Emeprid.

I'm just curious as to the best way to dose this all together. She's supposed to be on 0.2ml of Baytril twice a day, with 0.5ml emeprid and 0.25ml of Zantac. Along with probiotic 2 hours after the Baytril.

Has anyone an idea of the best times or gaps between all the meds?
If it's twice a day, you just need to space the meds 12 hours apart. Due to work etc I was doing my heart pig's meds around 9 am/9 pm as it suited me well, whereas you might find 7am/7pm or something similar suits you. I don't think Baytril will be sufficient to help though, she would be better on Zithromax as it is the best antibiotic for deep skin issues. The Emeprid & Zantac can be given together, if they are once a day you could leave a couple of hours after the Baytril is you want to space the meds out a bit.
Hi all!

Tao is on baytril for a thickened uterus wall (believed to be due to infection). She lost weight and appetite when on it so has been prescribed Zantac syrup and Emeprid.

I'm just curious as to the best way to dose this all together. She's supposed to be on 0.2ml of Baytril twice a day, with 0.5ml emeprid and 0.25ml of Zantac. Along with probiotic 2 hours after the Baytril.

Has anyone an idea of the best times or gaps between all the meds?

Give all of them twice daily as closely to a 12 hours rhythm as you can get. The emeprid and zantac are gut stimulants. You can give them at the same time.
You can give the probiotic either 1-2 hours before or after the baytril.
If it's twice a day, you just need to space the meds 12 hours apart. Due to work etc I was doing my heart pig's meds around 9 am/9 pm as it suited me well, whereas you might find 7am/7pm or something similar suits you. I don't think Baytril will be sufficient to help though, she would be better on Zithromax as it is the best antibiotic for deep skin issues. The Emeprid & Zantac can be given together, if they are once a day you could leave a couple of hours after the Baytril is you want to space the meds out a bit.
Give all of them twice daily as closely to a 12 hours rhythm as you can get. The emeprid and zantac are gut stimulants. You can give them at the same time.
You can give the probiotic either 1-2 hours before or after the baytril.
:agr: With @Wiebke. You can give all 3 together 12 hourly if needed. They don't work against each other. And Baytril is used by exotics for bladder penetration and is the only antibiotic licensed for use in piggies. It's only the probiotic you need to give later - so as not to counteract the Baytril. Hope she picks up for you.
:agr: With @Wiebke. You can give all 3 together 12 hourly if needed. They don't work against each other. And Baytril is used by exotics for bladder penetration and is the only antibiotic licensed for use in piggies. It's only the probiotic you need to give later - so as not to counteract the Baytril. Hope she picks up for you.
Thanks for the detail. We're hopeful too. It's a vicious cycle, she's eating fine without the meds but needs them for her uterus wall issue, so you give her them and she stops eating opening another world of issues.
Fingers crossed she will maintain
Thanks for the detail. We're hopeful too. It's a vicious cycle, she's eating fine without the meds but needs them for her uterus wall issue, so you give her them and she stops eating opening another world of issues.
Fingers crossed she will maintain

Just keep her topped up with syringe feed if she is not eating enough.
Iv had a sow with a thickened uterus, it didn't respond to treatment so she was spayed at 4.5 years old and it was a permanent cure (as obviously the uterus was removed).

If you can't get this under control and the meds are really affecting her, and she's otherwise healthy, then discussing spaying with a piggy savvy vet may be a wise move. Sometimes these things can worsen and turn into full blown pyometra.. If she's older, putting the op off means she could end up facing it when she's even older and possibly not in as good shape as she was before- this is why I went for the spay despite my girl being older and never had an anaesthetic before. But I appreciate everyone is different.

Hope she's on the mend soon :-) x
Iv had a sow with a thickened uterus, it didn't respond to treatment so she was spayed at 4.5 years old and it was a permanent cure (as obviously the uterus was removed).

If you can't get this under control and the meds are really affecting her, and she's otherwise healthy, then discussing spaying with a piggy savvy vet may be a wise move. Sometimes these things can worsen and turn into full blown pyometra.. If she's older, putting the op off means she could end up facing it when she's even older and possibly not in as good shape as she was before- this is why I went for the spay despite my girl being older and never had an anaesthetic before. But I appreciate everyone is different.

Hope she's on the mend soon :-) x

Thanks for your message. Her companion died last week so we are going to try get her bonded and settled and then we will discuss spaying with a vet. Obviously we're worried about the op itself anyway but we need to get this sorted and as you say I'd rather sort it while she's younger x
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