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Baytril treatment

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Sep 20, 2007
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Vale of Glamorgan
hi - two of my piggies are on baytril and have been since Sunday - if anyone remembers me, one was breathing funny and making a funny noise and she said might be allergic to hay - i am waiting for 10 bales of hay to come from dust free hay, but at the moment two are taking baytril twice a day - how long can piggies stay on baytril treatment? they are better, but still making funny noises, so wondered how long if needed can they take baytril? She said it might be early signs of URI as dampening their hay didn't make any different. many thanks :)
Yep I would personally give them Baytril to be safe than sorry, and prevent any possible URI, so think your vet has done the right thing O0

Woodstock was on Baytril twice a day for a week and he was only just showing symptoms of URI, I finished the course up as directed and he was a-ok from then on. Of course if the URI is more advanced the Baytril needs to be used longer, but it doesn't sound as if your pigs have advanced URIs? Didn't the vet say how long to keep them on the meds?
I think they need probiotic with baytril as it can upset their tums, can someon confirm?

Dust free hay hay is fab no dust at all really it may help them. Hope they will be ok. :)
to be honest - i just assumed I keep them on it till it's all gone - on the bottle it says 6 x - so maybe 6 days. Well at first she didn't even think it was that URI cose she couldn't hear anything on their chest and their eyes and nose were clear - i am wondering if its the hay, but i wont know until i start using this dusy free hay!
Had a couple of bags from DFH and it was fab, have 10 though so runs bit much for me as don't have storage for so many bales. ::) I get the barn dried hay from the local shop and thats just the same no dust. One of my little guys Milo doesn't like Meadow Hay he gets a bit of a nose on him but otherwise he is ok.

Fingers crossed they like this hay its one thing they can't do without. :)
They can stay on the baytril safely only if you supplement with probiotics (lactobacillus acidophilus supplements). Otherwise, you risk all the guinea pigs good bacteria being killed off which will also kill your guinea pigs. I find the easiest way is to mix 1/2 a capsule of the regular supplement found on the vitamin isle with room temp chamomile tea. Just enough to make the powder easily drawn up into a glass eye dropper. Then just allow your pigs to bite the dropper on slightly and then squirt some in. Do this 2 times a day. This amount is usually enough to give 2 pigs. Sorry, 10 days is often average prescription, 7 days is preferred, 2 weeks is not uncommon if there is a wound that needs to heal or serious infection. The most important part is to always try to finish the entire prescription and not take part of one which can lead to antibiotic resistance.
your vet can give you bio lapis, or you can order avi-pro probiotic from SPH pet supplies, which will stop them getting dihorrea while theyre on the baytril O0

id just give it to them until you have used it all up :)
Lyndsay you are scare mongering a bit saying that Baytril will kill a gp unless it has probiotic.This is nonsence,I only give pro biotics to gps on antibiotic if they are on it for more than 7 days or the pellets get a bit soft.
Chanomile tea should not be given to gps.
Baytril can be given for 3 weeks or more if necessary.
If antibiotics are given long periods of time this can happen. Chamomile tea is give to guinea pigs a lot in the US. It is mixed with virtually everything to get meds down them, and used just as cranberry juice in UTI prevention here. One round of baytril isn't usually going to kill a pig, but long term it can kill off good bacteria just like in humans who die of C-dif b/c of this. All pigs are different just as humans. Some people/pigs can take a whole round of antibiotics with no problems while others immediately get a yeast infection.
LyndsayRDH said:
Chamomile tea is give to guinea pigs a lot in the US.

Err... no it's not. I've been a member on Guinea Lynx and Cavy Cages for 3 years, both US sites, and not once have any of the long standing knowledgeable members ever mentioned this to mix meds with.
I have to admit when I read about using chamomile I was a bit sceptical but didn't say anything as I wasn't 100% sure.
maryh said:
Chanomile tea should not be given to gps.
Why is that - when chamomile flowers can be given to pigs (and rabbits & chins etc) ? It's also sold as a herbal eyewash for pigs - so it can't be toxic to them?
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