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Baytril for URI Query


New Born Pup
Jan 12, 2022
Reaction score
I’ve just been tidying up my piggies notes, weights etc. I can see that when they had a minor URI about 6 months ago they were given 1ml per day of Baytril each. Does this sound right? My maths might be off but I would’ve thought the dose should be more like 0.2ml? I have MS and wasn’t well at the time so I didn’t see then, they’re all good now. I just want to know if I should be finding them a different vet.
Piggies are often prescribed 0.5mls baytril twice a day, so yes 1ml per day, that doesnt sound unusual for adult piggies weighing over a kilo.
Where did you find the 0.2mls dosing suggestion? That sounds very low, too low to have much effect.
Your vet seems to have given an appropriate dose anyway.
Thank you for your reply, that's reassuring! I looked at a few different places but this was one: Guinea Lynx :: Antibiotics
Oral Dosage: 2.5-10.0 mg/kg q12h With Baytril 2.5% which 25mg/ml. It's been a LONG time since I had to do that amount of maths so I may well be working it out totally wrong.
Thank you for your reply, that's reassuring! I looked at a few different places but this was one: Guinea Lynx :: Antibiotics
Oral Dosage: 2.5-10.0 mg/kg q12h With Baytril 2.5% which 25mg/ml. It's been a LONG time since I had to do that amount of maths so I may well be working it out totally wrong.

Dosages for URI are often lower than for UTI although the dosage cited in GL is at the lower end whereas UTI is generally at the upper end. It is in the vet's discretion to choose the dosage within the recommend band (weight adjusted) and to decide how hard they need to tackle an illness; if they are convinced that they are dealing with a proper URI, they will often prescribe a higher dosage than when they prescribe it just 'in case it could be one'.

Anyway, your piggies have not been overdosed if you are worried about that.
Ah ok that advice is suggesting then 0.1 to 0.4mls per mg body weight every 12 hours. The lower dose suggested is really too low to do much, and remember this is saying per kg body weight, and many pigs weigh over a kilo. The lowest baytril dose I have ever had prescribed by my vet is 0.35mls every 12 hours, and that was for an 800g youngster.