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Baytril dosage, does this sound right?

Claire W

Forum Donator 2024/25
Mar 23, 2008
Reaction score
Lancashire (Originally from Nottingham)
Elizabeth is on a 10 day course of baytril as a precaution after the vet noticed a little bacteria in the fluid he drew from her lump. The baytril is 2.5% and she’s on 0.25ml twice a day. As it’s only as a precaution, the vet didn’t want to go to high but does this sound about right? This is a new vet practice so I just want to make sure they’re on the ball
Elizabeth is on a 10 day course of baytril as a precaution after the vet noticed a little bacteria in the fluid he drew from her lump. The baytril is 2.5% and she’s on 0.25ml twice a day. As it’s only as a precaution, the vet didn’t want to go to high but does this sound about right? This is a new vet practice so I just want to make sure they’re on the ball


Please be aware that there is a prescription spectrum for every vet in which they have to balance weight and robustness/age of a piggy, the seriousness of the issue they are treating, side effects and possible interaction with other meds etc. Prescribing medication is a much more complex process than most owners assume and training to get it right is making quite a substantial part of a vet's curriculum.

In view of the baytril being a precautionary measure against a potential but not yet against an existing infection and in view of Elizabeth's rather substantial weight, the dosage sounds very reasonable to me.
It is definitely well above a cosmetic dosage but there is no need to use the highest possible dosage, which is usually reserved for the challenging environment of the urinary tract or for a hard to beat abscess if another not licensed antibiotic isn't available.

In my own estimation and from what else you have told me, Elizabeth is in the hands of a competent and considerate vet.
Just checking again. Elizabeth has been prescribed baytril again. This time for a mild URI and the dosage is again 0.25ml twice a day. Does that sound about right for a URI? Again it’s 2.5% baytril