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Mar 15, 2012
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Just been reading about bathing piggies I am just waiting to own my first baby and as I dont know much about them yet I wondered if you bath piggies regulary or not oh, I should have said i am new to this forum my name is Dorothy
Hello there. Guinea pigs rarely need bathes. It is not good to wash them too much. I bathe mine maybe two or three times a year.

I know you have yet to get your guinea pigs. Please do not get one as he or she will be very lonely. Guinea pigs need company of their own kind.

Just been reading about bathing piggies I am just waiting to own my first baby and as I dont know much about them yet I wondered if you bath piggies regulary or not oh, I should have said i am new to this forum my name is Dorothy

Hi all, thanks so much for yourreplies, i was only going to have one piggie but after reading your replies will get two.
Thank you for coming to this forum and learning more about the piggiees before you get them! I am doing the same and i know like me you will learn
so much!

Good luck with everything and enjoy yhe forum... Especially the pigtures :)
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