Bathing In Winter


New Born Pup
Oct 3, 2015
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I have two teddy guinea pigs who live outside. I bathe them in the summer to keep their coats in good condition but their fur is matted and dirty at the moment. I wondered if I would be ok to bath them and keep inside overnight until they are dry?
I have two teddy guinea pigs who live outside. I bathe them in the summer to keep their coats in good condition but their fur is matted and dirty at the moment. I wondered if I would be ok to bath them and keep inside overnight until they are dry?

I wouldn't bathe them during the Winter. If you do keep a hairdryer and towels at hand and make sure the room the same.
Where are you based? UK?
At the moment the temperature change between outdoors and in would be too much for them to manage two changes in two days. Is it just their bums that are the problem? Perhaps a bum bath with a face cloth, a bit of drying off with a hairdryer and a good brush might be an option
Yes I am in the UK, it is all their fur across their back ends. It is matted and it is uncomfortable for them. I have been trying to put off but not sure it can wait until the spring. Although I don’t want them to catch a cold.

I agree with @Lady Kelly and @Betsy!
Quick trim of hairy bottoms to remove any mess then a wipe with a cloth!
Far too cold to bring outdoor piggies in to a well heated house then put them back out even if they are well dried!