Bathing Guinea Pigs.

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Candice Warner

Junior Guinea Pig
Dec 28, 2014
Reaction score
Stowmarket, UK

This is another what do you use question....

So what shampoo do you use to bath your bundle of fluff. I use Johnsons cleansing cat shampoo which was recommended by my vet. If my guinea pigs have static lice or fleas or whatever I use Johnson' flea cleansing cat shampoo which was again recommended by my vet. So what do you use?
I've just visited the website, it looks so snazzy, I might try that shampoo.
They are really good and have been around for ages, lots of people buy there stuff so you can buy with confidence.
I just use a medicated pet shampoo for dogs that I got from the 99p store. Basically, any pet shampoo will pretty much contain the same basic ingredients to do the same thing...just like every other cosmetic, cheap or luxury. It makes them not as smelly as before and their fur softer and lighter.

I know of a friend who uses Johnson Baby Shampoo as he said he read about it online, but personally, I would only use products designed for pets.

You can also just add some drops of essential oils (like Neem) to the shampoo (which I have not done but will)..but obviously find out how much is safe to put before doing this!
I just use a medicated pet shampoo for dogs that I got from the 99p store. Basically, any pet shampoo will pretty much contain the same basic ingredients to do the same thing...just like every other cosmetic, cheap or luxury. It makes them not as smelly as before and their fur softer and lighter.

I know of a friend who uses Johnson Baby Shampoo as he said he read about it online, but personally, I would only use products designed for pets.
I heard that dog shampoo is too strong for pigs.
I heard that dog shampoo is too strong for pigs.

Ah, I'm not sure of this. I just remember seeing on sites that use products designed for pets so this was my reasoning. Not sure what would make it harsher, but SLS (Sodium Lauryl Sulphate) is pretty much the most widely used detergent for everything so not sure if this comes in strength concentrations (as it never says) but I imagine this would be in everything that is not sulphate free. I just checked my dog shampoo and it's got it in it so I might buy a GG shampoo instead.

SLS is also used in most brands of Aqueous Cream meaning that it should not be used for skin conditions as they found it thins the skin by 10%. Your Dr will still tell you it is the best cream to use but don't, unless you find one saying SLS free. I used it for years on this advice and wondered why it was irritating my skin until I changed. They often replace this with something else when they claim it's soap free. I notice that the Gorgeous Guineas say they don't use SLS , but they don't mention what their exact ingredients are on the site.
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