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Bathing a 8 year old Guinea pig.


Junior Guinea Pig
Dec 11, 2021
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My oldest Guinea pig is 8 years old and he slowing down each year but this means he likes to rest in the same spot on his poops and pees a lot of the time. Is it okay to give him a weekly bath? It’s just getting to the point where I would pick him up more often but he’s getting kinda gross to hold. My other Guinea pigs I don’t have this issue with.
My oldest Guinea pig is 8 years old and he slowing down each year but this means he likes to rest in the same spot on his poops and pees a lot of the time. Is it okay to give him a weekly bath? It’s just getting to the point where I would pick him up more often but he’s getting kinda gross to hold. My other Guinea pigs I don’t have this issue with.


Please give him a gentle but good initial bum wash to remove all the yuck but then use a daily gentle wipe with a damp rag and a very gently dry after afterwards. Treat for any urine scald and also check the soles for potential bumblefoot. He will also need his hair brushed regularly to help spread the oil over his body as he cannot do it for himself.

Please get hold of some vetbed betting, cut it into suitable squares and change 2-3 daily to wick away any urine from the body.
More practical care tips for looking after piggies that are not very mobile:

Here is our practical old guinea pig care and information collection:

Please have him vet checked for arthritis and/or kidney failure.