Bath time behaviour

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Adult Guinea Pig
Jun 2, 2009
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The boss of my younger trio of girlies, Charlotte, hates baths, until I found out on here how often short haired pigs needed bathing she looked clean so had not ever had a bath. When I did bath her it was in a washing up bowl on the floor and she ended up head first down the front of my top trying to get away from the water. I have decided it will be easier to wash them in the bath.

I wanted to give all six pigs a good wash and trim any nails and bums that need it over the weekend but was unsure of what to do about the younger three. It will only be Charlottes second bath and I have never bathed her hutch mates Lexi and Kizzy cuz I haven't had them long and they had a bath just before I got them. I know that lots of people who bath groups together and I wasn't sure if that was a good idea for these three.

There are two possibilies i could think of,
1, having her hutch mates in the water too will calm Charlotte down
2, all three will freak out and end up traumatized

They don't have a very stong bond yet and I don't want to upset them, please help :{
some people say bathing a group together, by undergoing the unpleasantness together it brings them closer together. The only thing with washing multiples is trying not to let them get too cold whilst you are trying to get them dry. Get someone to help is often the best bet for bathing i find.
I have them together waiting/cuddled up in towels nearby, but I bathe them one after another.

If you have smooth guinea pigs, you don't need to bathe them that often (I certainly don't!), so hopefully in a few months' time when the next bath is due, they will be bonded better, anyway!
I have them together waiting/cuddled up in towels nearby, but I bathe them one after another.

If you have smooth guinea pigs, you don't need to bathe them that often (I certainly don't!), so hopefully in a few months' time when the next bath is due, they will be bonded better, anyway!

That sounds like a plan :) The short haired pigs all got bathed about 2 months ago, the week before I got Lexi and Kizzy. Rosie, the sheltie in the older trio, has been bathed a few times since then too. Charlotte is grubby round her bum and needs another one so I figured I should bath all of them.
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