Bath Mats


Forum Donator 2024/25
Oct 2, 2019
Reaction score
NE Scotland
Hi, on another thread I mentioned my use of bath mats in my hutch, which is in a garage and someone else replied saying fleece should not be used outside at all.
I didn’t want to fill up the OP thread so I thought I would make my own.

I believe the bath mats work well for us, one of my boys was really struggling with the irritants from wood shavings and it was the vet that told us about fleece bedding.
I have used these for a year, and so far I have not noticed any issues with this and quite a few pros.
Such as reduced bouts of crackly nose in my boy and it has been cheaper for me.

It goes newspaper, puppy pads and then the bath mats. These get changed fully once a week in summer and twice a week on winter.

I was just wondering if anyone had any more thoughts/insights or experiences on the use of fleece in outside (shed or garage) hutches. Thanks.
If the fleece isn’t getting damp and is drying well in the garage during winter then it’s fine. Being in a shed or garage, particularly if it is insulated, is not the same as being completely outside. The thread you mention, the person has the hutch outside in which case fleece/fleece items will be problematic (it won’t dry outside in winter once it’s been peed on) hence my reply to the OP in relation to that specific set up as mentioned on that thread. It was not a comment directed at your particular set up.
My own boys are in an insulated shed and I do occasionally (only occasionally because I can’t stand the extra washing!) use fleece tunnels as a ‘stop gap’ between the end of summer and the need for heat pads. I can only use them as they are not exposed to any of the damp conditions of having the hutch actually outside.
If the fleece isn’t getting damp and is drying well in the garage during winter then it’s fine. Being in a shed or garage, particularly if it is insulated, is not the same as being completely outside. The thread you mention, the person has the hutch outside in which case fleece/fleece items will be problematic (it won’t dry outside in winter once it’s been peed on) hence my reply to the OP in relation to that specific set up as mentioned on that thread. It was not a comment directed at your particular set up.
My own boys are in an insulated shed and I do occasionally (only occasionally because I can’t stand the extra washing!) use fleece tunnels as a ‘stop gap’ between the end of summer and the need for heat pads. I can only use them as they are not exposed to any of the damp conditions of having the hutch actually outside.
I understand, I was not making the thread completely off your back which is why I did not mention names, but it still raised a question in my head as I would not want to do anything to potentially cause issue with my pigs.

As the hutch is insulated and I take steps to ensure they aren’t living on/with anything damp, I was wondering if there was an exception to the rule.
Just my brain overthinking things, so I wanted to double check. Thanks again.