Bath - How?

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Junior Guinea Pig
Apr 5, 2014
Reaction score
Kent, UK
Hi all

Today Waylons hair round his bottom end is damp and, if I'm honest, he smells :(

How do u bath a gp? what products do u use and where do u buy them?

we bathed our boys sunday for the first time. we bought guinea pig shampoo from our local pet shop. we then filled the sink with warm water no to deep and washed them that way. they didnt grumble, but did try to escape a few times.
we read that make sure they are completely dry before back in their cage, we wrapped them up in towels for a while
I'm the same, guinea pig shampoo and the sink with an inch or two of water (depending on piggy size) :)
I wouldn't have a chance of keeping Barney in the sink so I spread a towel on the bottom of the bath then put 1-2cm water in it (really so it just comes up to their ankles so don't get too scared). I then use a jug to pour water over them. They smell delightful after a wash in Gorgeous Guineas 'Just for Boars'!
Thanks everyone! would it be completely crazy to use newborn baby bath/baby shampoo?! i just went to my local pet shop and they dont sell pet shampoo :+
Please have a look at my previous post; we posted pretty simultaneously. Newborn baby shampoo will do in a pinch, but it is not formulated for piggy skin.
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