Basics For A Beginner


New Born Pup
Nov 22, 2017
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I'll explain the situation first: My girlfriend has always expressed alot of interest in owning a guinea pig but due to being at uni, is worried about how much money is required to look after one competently. Time to look after said guinea pig wouldn't be an issue and it isn't a spur of the moment want.

What are the upfront and ongoing costs of owning a guinea pig?

Thanks in advance for all your help :)
I'll explain the situation first: My girlfriend has always expressed alot of interest in owning a guinea pig but due to being at uni, is worried about how much money is required to look after one competently. Time to look after said guinea pig wouldn't be an issue and it isn't a spur of the moment want.

What are the upfront and ongoing costs of owning a guinea pig?

Thanks in advance for all your help :)

Hi and welcome!

Guinea pigs are social animals; they should not be kept alone.
Here are our guide collections for wannabe and new owners, which you may find helpful:
Quick Information Bundle For Wannabe Owners
New Owners' Problem Solver And Information Collection

The biggest cost factor with any pet irrespective of the species (the one that can quickly run into the hundreds of pounds or dollars) are vet fees.
If you and your friend are tight for money, I would recommend to wait with getting any pets until you have a regular income and can either get insurance in those countries that have insurance for exotic animals (as which guinea pigs are classed at) or be able to save up for a vet fund on a weekly or monthly basis so you can afford vet care whenever necessary. In my experience, illness and emergencies never happen at a convenient time!

You also have to consider what happens after uni? guinea pigs have an average life span of 4-7 years. Pets are often not allowed in rented accommodation, so it can become a major problem; this even more so with a single guinea pig that is fixated on you and totally dependent on your round the clock companionship.

Why not giving your girlfriend a sponsorship for a guinea pig in rescue instead? That way, you can both learn more about them and find out whether they are suitable for you at a later point, but you have got a special piggy to help you introduce you to the admittedly fascinating world of guinea pigs. They are so much more than and generally NOT the animated cuddly toys as which they are generally thought of and presented as.
We have got lists of good standard rescues in several countries; many of them have got a facebook page.
Guinea Pig Rescue Centre Locator
Guinea Lynx :: Rescue Organizations

I hope that this helps you.
As Wiebke says the biggest cost is vets fees. I have an elderly sow, a middle aged boar and 2 babies. I got the babies at the end of September (so I have had them 2 months). Since mid September on the 4 of them I have spent over £600 in vets fees (the little ones had URIs - that wouldn't go, then one ended up with bloat due to meds, that one then ended up with an eye infection (possibly hay poke), my boar needs his teeth trimming regularly and both he and my elderly sow caught the URI, my older sow has cancer and arthritis and so needed scans for that and pain relief, then managed to collapse twice, then got hay poke), that doesn't include things like critical care and other non veterinary stuff required to supplement their treatment and get them back on the road to health (I haven't counted that up but I would estimate another £200 or so) and this all came in when I needed to do my winter hay well as having to buy the usual stuff for them, I am in good job - I have spent all my birthday money on them as well as my Christmas money and we have had to be careful about spending at times. I am not one to keep an animal alive at all costs, I believe in quality of life so none of the above are treatments just to see if we can prolong life.
Cant add any advice to the excellent advice received above from our members :) Just wanted to say welcome to the forum