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Barrier cream for feet


Senior Guinea Pig
Forum Buddy
Nov 22, 2020
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Some of you know that Pepper is poorly at the moment. Today I’ve noticed his feet are very red. I’m changing the pee mats twice a day and they are not really that dirty.

Is there a barrier cream I can buy to soothe them and stop it progressing to bumble foot?
When Pretty Patsy had the start of bumblefoot, the vet advised F10 Germicidal Barrier Ointment. I'd send what I have to you only it's past it's best before date. And I lined the hutch with vet bet so she was walking on shag pile carpet and it was nice and soft for her feet.

I answered this question recently in another thread: Barrier cream question

Please be aware that the more you soften the callus (the hard skin on the soles), the more you expose your piggy to the risk of a bumblefoot infection. Barrier balms shouldn't be used regularly; if needed, ask your vet as to what they would recommend.

The risk of bumblefoot is much higher in older, frailer or ill piggies that do not move around much and are often unable to take the weight off their feet.

I would recommend to get hold of vetbed bedding as the softest option and to cut into suitable pieces for regular change in the areas a frail/ill piggy is sitting.

Looking After Guinea Pigs With Limited or No Mobility
Thank you guys. Great advice as always. 😍
If the foot is very close to developing an open bleeding/scabbed over sore, then please contact your vet clinic for whether they have got something suitable to prevent it from getting there, like flamazine - this is a prescription-only antibiotic cream.
I’ve just taken a photo


He always has flaky feet. It’s the large pad that’s red.
I’ve just taken a photo

View attachment 241819

He always has flaky feet. It’s the large pad that’s red.

Try to keep him on vetbed in his preferred sleeping area and change it twice daily.

Keep a close eye on it but an open sore is not immediately impending; it would be an even darker red and then maroon spot that develops into into a scab. You can try and see whether one of the several measures in this thread is going to bring down the redness and infection risk, but use it only in short bursts and as little as you can get away with; over-creaming is responsible for a surprisingly large number of pet piggy bumblefoot cases. As long as it is not getting any worse, you are still just about OK.

All the best.