Baring teeth!

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Apr 21, 2011
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Idaho, US
Okay, so we were having a nice snuggle session (photo's to come) and Fez started yawning and baring his teeth at Sweets. Sweets just bumped him a little bit when he was moving around and they had about a 30 second stare off. Neither was backing down so I put the jacket over them and then separated them, I held Sweets while Fez layed down on my legs. I have a feeling Fezzy's hormones are coming on strong and I don't think Sweets will back down if Fez wants to pick a fight. Any advice? Anything will help PLEASE!
Try and use a blanket with seperate snuggle times. Make sure it has their scent on it after the snuggles. Then put the blanket on the floor with them there and make sure they don't start fighting. It's worth a shot. Its also probably dominence issues now that the hormones are coming in.
Try and use a blanket with seperate snuggle times. Make sure it has their scent on it after the snuggles. Then put the blanket on the floor with them there and make sure they don't start fighting. It's worth a shot. Its also probably dominence issues now that the hormones are coming in.

They don't fight on the floor. They avoid each other completely. They sleep in separate pigloos and don't share them with each other and if one goes into the others house then it results in nips to get the other out. The only time they're by each other is when they're eating hay at the same time. Or if I'm holding them.
it could just be the younger piggy throwing his weight around as he's hit puberty and fighting abit for dominance, just give them time, mine got a little bit like that when jim became a man ;) but they soon settled down once they had sorted the pecking order out again. as long as the fighting is not too violent just keep doing what you're doing x

We have two boars and have been through this. There are several tings to do but it must be said first and foremost, that if two boars, even ones who got on fine in their youth, decide they can't along - there's not a lot you can do about that and you can't force them.

Having said that, at the stage you are describing, nothing has been decided yet. Firstly, how old are your boars?

Hormones kick in from between 3 and 5 months and last until full maturity at around 14 months. Testosterone is a major factor in all boar behaviour.

OK, the basics are to ensure that there is nothing to argue over. You should have two of everything (bowls, bottles, toys etc.) that your boars can "own". Secondly, have a cooling off area ready so that you can temporarily separate your boars. It is not a good idea to be holding both if they are arguing, you can be owned too remember.

There's an amount of letting them get on with it that you have to do. It will start with yawning and snorting (posturing). The next level of escalation is rumbling/war dancing as trying to get their behinds in the face of each other to spray. Stage three is actual spraying and mounting, at this stage, if neither backs down, there could be a fight.

None of the above are particularly serious but are part of normal boar behaviour to other boars, even related boars. You should let them get on with this naturally. They will be testing each other out to see if one can become the dominant boar and the other a submissive. If this relationship is sorted out, they will be a fairly stable partnership again but the relationship is always open to discussion...

At the stage that they're spraying each other and really not getting on but no fighting or blood has occured, you might consider a bonding bath. Bathe the two of them together. The experience will force the two of them to rely on each other AND you will wash of all the testosterone.

If an actual fight occurs and blood is drawn it means that neither piggy is backing down and you will have to separate them. You will need a second cage but try to place the cages close together. Your boars will go from loving pals, to enemies to good neighbours. You can try reintroduction on neutral territory at any time during temporary or permanant separation but the odds are not good once a fight has broken out.

Wow, that was long. I hope it helps and best of luck :)
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