Junior Guinea Pig
Hello, I've read numerous articles on this but just wanted to hear of your experiences and to see if you cavy savvy people think I should be concerned.
After watching my 14 month old boys together, I noticed that Dexter my Satin was barbering (and ingesting the hair of) my Sheltie, Earnie. Earnie seems fine with this and is sat there looking like he's quite enjoying it.
Earnie tries to be the dominant pig, he's much bigger but if he does exert his authority, Dexter takes no notice whatsoever. In fact Dexter is quicker and smarter and so the dominance just doesn't wash. They play happily together two mins after a bit of bum wiggling and always snuggle up. They also wheek for each other if you take the other away even for 20 seconds so I think the bond is very strong.
I digress, this barbering, does it sound okay? Thanks for your advice. X
After watching my 14 month old boys together, I noticed that Dexter my Satin was barbering (and ingesting the hair of) my Sheltie, Earnie. Earnie seems fine with this and is sat there looking like he's quite enjoying it.
Earnie tries to be the dominant pig, he's much bigger but if he does exert his authority, Dexter takes no notice whatsoever. In fact Dexter is quicker and smarter and so the dominance just doesn't wash. They play happily together two mins after a bit of bum wiggling and always snuggle up. They also wheek for each other if you take the other away even for 20 seconds so I think the bond is very strong.
I digress, this barbering, does it sound okay? Thanks for your advice. X