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Dumbledore has barbered Poppy's quiff off (she's a peru).....she looks like she's had a really bad haircut, like when your mum used to cut your fringe :{

Why do guinea pigs do this? Do I need to monitor the situation at all?
What I have read is that barbering could be down to stress, boredom or lack of hay or a genetic factor. The longer the coat the greater the risk of barbering.

Twinkle does this to Milo (Coronet) and Logan to Jasper (another Coronet) and they have all they need, lots of hay. But I think my guys are doing it because they are inside for the winter and are in Nero 3's although adapted they don't have the bigger space at the mo. I have just moved Twinks and Milo into a Nero 4 so it will be interesting to see if I can get Milo's lovely coat back!
God I feel guilty as hell now...maybe it is just something they do..they have got a huge cage and plenty of hay too but I guess it must still be boring sat in a cage all the time...I really cant wait to get them outside and grazing! :(
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