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Jul 9, 2007
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North Norfolk UK
Why do guinea do this too each other and to themselves?
Mr Pig and Alice looked like they had either been barbered by others or had a bad hair cut
and Victoria looked like she was barbered and she was self trimming just before birthing
i was wondering if its the same reson for self barbering as for doing another pig?
i was wondering if its a stress thing or a dominace thing or a lack of vitamins/ minerals?
Ron x
I am lucky so far none of my piggies have done this. One does scratch behind her ear and it's now bald. Been to vet and there is nothing wrong with her. xx
Flora and Fleur do this to each other now and again, I don't know why they tend to do it around the mouth area so I thought maybe they are being affectionate with one another seeing as they are sisters. It's an odd thing really! x
I believe dominant pigs barber their subordinates. It is a strange one as one of mine barbers himself on the forelegs. Chrissie at GG suggested it may have been due to the recent upheaval of me going on hols and him and his cagemate being in boarding where he was stressed.
Timmy barbers Sunny and Timmy is top pig there! They are both long haireds. Never seen any of my shorthaireds barber eachother. Another piggy mystery? :D
they like hairdressing?! ;D no but one of my dominant sows has been seen chopping bits of the younger pigs coats ::) ::) ::) ::) ::)
My young sheltie boars Jeeves and Wooster were barbering (well, Wooster came off worse so I guess it was mainly Jeeves!) but since I've moved them and they've got more space and I've been careful to give them more stuff to play with, they have got a bit better -but it takes a while to grow back!

One of my Perus was barbered and I didn't know about it then, I really thought my neice must have taken a pair of scissors to her without telling me, it was cut so straight! All mine are fed the same so I don't think it's dietary - but could be stress / hormone related?

It is part of the cage dominance thing. Keep a water spray bottle around and give them a spritz if you catch them in the act.
I just tell my girls to stop and they do. Now ranks has been well and truly established with my herd of 4 girls with Fleur being the most dominant she doesn't do it anymore. :)
My two longhaired boys rocky and toffee keep doing this to each other, i dont understand why...?
One of my boars (Woody) has started doing this to his cage mate - he has plenty to eat and lots of toys and things to chew (especially the correx in the C&C cage!) but he appears to have taken up hairdressing! ;D I have to admit, he's done a great job - so neat... He used to chew my hair and both of my daughters' hair but now has taken on Charlie!

I can only assume that he is intent on becoming the dominant pig - Charlie is nearly 6 years old so he probably wants a quiet life. They seem get on well together and often snuggle up.

Should I worry?
I just caught my little short hair boy doing this to my long haired boy.

Will it do the short hair boy any harm - eatin hair?

Is it that they are bored, i've given them toys etc but they never seem to play with them - do i need to try more toys or is it a dominance thing.

plus will it stop or will he do it forever?
Personally I think it's a dominance thing. One of my pigs would barber my long haired piggy but she grew out of it. At one point she was sitting on my shoulder and gave me a bit of a haircut, too. :o
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