Barbering! Advice needed!

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Nov 6, 2007
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weymouth, dorset
A couple of weeks ago I had to separate my two girls because it seemed that Meg had acquired a taste for Bonnies hair.
I have heard of barbering but just thought it happened to long hair piggies and Bonnie is a rex!
So as you can imagine her hairloss is quite extreme.
Anyway I've noticed today her hair is very slowly starting to grow back and she's getting her whiskers back!
It's such a relief as I was worried she had ovarian cysts.
I just really wanted to know how long it will take for her hair to grow back properly and should I keep them separated?
At the moment they are side by side in separate cages and seem quite happy!
Thanks, lisa xx
i dont think it takes that long for hair to grow back, Cookie lost a little bit 4week ago and thats grown back.
i dont know whther they should be kept seperate :-\
They were fighting quite a lot before I separated them so maybe they're better off apart :-\
Plus Bonnie will keep her hair!
i have no idea :-\ i thought somebody else would have replied by now with their advice ?
my housemates piggies get on well together, but the abby loves barbering the sheltie ::) soo much that the sheltie is long haired on one side and much shorter on the other side

dont know any solutions though :-\ her piggies still seem happy and the hair grows back quick (and gets eaten off again ::))
My piggie is a rex though with bald patches either side!
She still thinks she looks good though she's always staring at herself in the mirror!
I think once it's grown I could put them back in together again and just keep an eye on it,
I think meg is getting a bit lonely :(
Thanks lez O0
Apparently barbering is all part of a dominance thing. It is mainly seen among boars although obviously some sows do partake of the habit. It's totally harmless although can result in quite an unsightly little piggy. I've had piggies that grew out of it but have also had some that did it forever.
I had a very unsightly piggie black jack! It is growing back though I just don't want it to happen again, but that's a chance I'll have to take if I put them back together.Still it won't be so extreme cos I now know who the culprit is and the first sign of it happening again It's back into separate cages!
if its dominance it could make sense with my housemates piggies. the dominant pig is barbering the timid one
maisy tries to eat my hair? is she saying shes in charge? i dont want another pet thinking their incharge of me, my dog already thinks I'm his bitch ::)
maisynpoppy said:
maisy tries to eat my hair? is she saying shes in charge? i dont want another pet thinking their incharge of me, my dog already thinks I'm his bitch ::)

;D ;D ;D

sorry that was so funny
maisynpoppy said:
maisy tries to eat my hair? is she saying shes in charge? i dont want another pet thinking their incharge of me, my dog already thinks I'm his bitch ::)

lol! If Wendy gets anywhere near my hair i have to wrestle with her to get it out of her mouth! my hair is all different lengths where she's barbered me! but only if i use herbal essences shampoo! she must like the taste! ;D
why dont u try washing your piggies? i use the gorgeous guineas shampoo and it stops the girlies barbering munchkin.....
my girlies barbered my coronet bertie's hair, they all get on very well, as others have said it just means they're showing who's boss. It is normal behaviour and his just grew back, and now he does it to me! ::) Anyway, as i said it is normal behaviour, HOWEVER, if she has bald patches they've taken it too far i would say, and if they've been fighting i would say personally that they are best alone if they seem happy. it may be worth a try just introducing them on neutral territory and see how it goes, you must watch carefully, and if they fight, they should stay apart. It's up to you weather you want to try or not, i would say it's best not to if they don't seem lonely.
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