Bar biting


New Born Pup
Jan 19, 2020
Reaction score
Devon, UK
I'v had to split my pigs cage in half for a few days as it turns out one of my guinea pigs is actually female and quite pregnant. I don't have enough C&C panels to create two separate cages so I'm waiting for some more panels and plastic to arrive.

My Boar, Bear has coped with it quite badly and spent last night relentlessly chewing the bars. I Put a cardboard barrier across the divider and whilst it's decreased the bar chewing, He's still trying. Someone suggested to separate him completely when the C&C panels arrive, but I feel bad as then both Womble and Bear are alone until the babies arrive. I also thought that maybe if Bear was able to see the babies and smell them in the room it would make introducing the Boar pups at 3 weeks easier as he's been given time to get used to them.
I think you may have to separate them otherwise I would imagine the bar biting will continue unfortunately
The one thing you have to make sure is that the boar can’t escape and get in with the sow. She will go into season within a very short time of giving birth, so the risk of a repeat pregnancy is very high. If you have a play pen perhaps you could set that up so that the sow has enough space, including when the pups come. But you’d have to baby proof it - make sure the gaps aren’t big enough for the pups to slip through and escape.

I don’t know if it would make it easier to introduce any boar pups later if he can smell them.

Regarding the bar biting, did he do it straight from when you separated them?

Tagging @Wiebke @VickiA @PigglePuggle @Piggies&buns
I would separate them completely. He’s bar biting because he wants to get to her, he can still smell and hear her. I would move him to a completely separated cage. Also that will reduce the risk of any athletic attempt on his part to get to her and impregnate her again.
The one thing you have to make sure is that the boar can’t escape and get in with the sow. She will go into season within a very short time of giving birth, so the risk of a repeat pregnancy is very high. If you have a play pen perhaps you could set that up so that the sow has enough space, including when the pups come. But you’d have to baby proof it - make sure the gaps aren’t big enough for the pups to slip through and escape.

I don’t know if it would make it easier to introduce any boar pups later if he can smell them.

Regarding the bar biting, did he do it straight from when you separated them?

Tagging @Wiebke @VickiA @PigglePuggle @Piggies&buns
Yes he did, last night he wasn't as bad but he's still doing it enough for me to be concerned. I let him out in the run and iv spent a lot of time with him, which seems to have helped a bit. I was hoping that when the extra C&C panel arrives they could stay one same room but in separate cages so he can't attempt to mate and can also smell and get used to any Boars he might live with in the future.
I would separate them completely. He’s bar biting because he wants to get to her, he can still smell and hear her. I would move him to a completely separated cage. Also that will reduce the risk of any athletic attempt on his part to get to her and impregnate her again.
He's already attempted some athletic feats in the form of climbing on top of hides so I think I will have to take him out of the room when the panels arrive.