Bar Biting!

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Adult Guinea Pig
Jul 22, 2011
Reaction score
Aberdeenshire, Scotland
Hey everyone!
Looking for a bit of advice...
My rescue girl Maple, who I have had for over a year now has recently started to bite the bars on demand for food! She does this most times someone enters the room. It started around a month ago. I am worrying it will damage her teeth overtime :(
Is there anything I can do to discourage this behaviour?

Thanks in advance :)
Hey everyone!
Looking for a bit of advice...
My rescue girl Maple, who I have had for over a year now has recently started to bite the bars on demand for food! She does this most times someone enters the room. It started around a month ago. I am worrying it will damage her teeth overtime :(
Is there anything I can do to discourage this behaviour?

Thanks in advance :)

Just either ignore it or give an expression of displeasure. Tell her when food is actually on its way.

I have got several piggies, who have started imitating Maelog biting the bars when food is on its way... Maelog is so into it that I have to alert him regularly that dinner has actually already been served! :mal:
I hope your rescue piggy is ok and you sort it soon. Red sometimes chews on the bars between him and Roddy, I'm guessing because he wants to get to him.
Regarding food I always tell mine when it's on the way, as soon as I start talking they all start wheeking for for it :-)
I don't give in to her when she is biting. I tell her to stop it but she doesn't listen :xd: I hope Daisy doesn't pick up on it and start doing it too. I just thought it was weird how Maple just started doing it all of a sudden after being here for a year! Little monkey!
I wish there was a way to stop them. 3 out of my 4 do this and have been for over a year now. Drives me bloody insane!
:D My Crow Feather does this when she hears me preparing the veg in the morning. Bonnie used to do it at night. I think she wanted to get into the next cage with Inka. I have found that the only way to stop them from biting the bars is to put a piece of Correx across in front of the bars.
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