Bar Biting/Stripping the Coating off of C&C grids


Junior Guinea Pig
Apr 4, 2021
Reaction score
United States
Hi all!

It's been a while since I've been around. I've now got six girls and two rescue foster boys, and everyone is doing fantastically.

My girls, however, have taken to demanding meals by stripping the black coating off of the C&C grids. Both sides of the enclosure; they leave the Coroplast alone and don't really chew on anything that I actually put in their cage, other than the elastic to the corner hammocks and the food that I get lol.

Just curious if anyone has any experience with this? Any ways to prevent it? Chews that your piggies love that I can snag in the US for a reasonable price?
Two of my girls chew bars when they want their veggies, they don’t like waiting lol I hope you find a solution
Hey! Yeah...Ive got some BBBs here too (bad bar biters!) Only when they are demanding food and know I'm in the kitchen getting them something.

I know I read on the forum somewhere that this kind of bar biting is a "job" in the piggie world. And the role is actually passed on or taught (wording this poorly!) when the current bar biter retires.

My beautiful Buttercup was the bar biter. Her cage mate Kona didn't start doing it till she started having health problems and eventually passed. Now Kona is the bar biter and her young cage mate doesn't really do it much.

Did I mention I HATE IT?! I don't try to discourage them. I dont like it at all, especially the paint chip aspect, but there's nothing I can do to make them stop.

Anyway, the funny thing is, my other pair, who's cage has a direct view into the kitchen, don't do it at all. We call them the polite pigs!