
Junior Guinea Pig
Mar 21, 2020
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United States
Worried about bar biting. My boars are currently in a 2x8 C&C set up, split in half 2x4 each from their original layout. Glacier (3yo boar) has IVDD or early onset of arthritis in his back, knees, and spine (the vets aren’t really sure which one or if both) they absolutely have to be separated per the Vet and for what I feel is safe for Glacier. If they try, and they will, rumble-strutt, humping and chasing making it dangerous. Koji (3yo boar) only bites excessively when he’s expecting food, but occasionally will bite on the bars. Glacier on the other hand will bar bite way more often. I put their hay and water next to each other so they can always see each other, and it’s been this way for about a year. I know they love each other and also probably want to chase and do their boar behavior but not sure if there’s something else I can do to lessen the stress. And obviously I’m worried about their teeth breaking. Koji is a very calm but very anxious piggy who does not like to run around and explore, as long as he sees Glacier he feels safe. Glacier is the exact opposite but is limited in his mobility and has times where he drags his back legs(he’s on medication that helps). Neither really care for toys.
Bar biting is something that happens for a variety of reasons from trying to get attention to a territorial behaviour.
I don’t believe anybody has ever found a way to stop it unfortunately.

This guide explains more
A - Z of Guinea Pig Behaviours
Thank you. I definitely think it’s a dominance thing more than anything (obviously I can’t say for certain) but Glacier has always been in a rowdy riot mood to show dominance.