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Bann does have a lump.


Forum Buddy
Nov 26, 2016
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I've seen something for a while, usually just catching it if I saw him at the right angle but it's not like he's great at staying still. He's eating fine, drinking fine, it's not bothering him at all and I couldn't find it in general handling so I wasn't convinced anything was there for a while.

Nope, definite lump.

Here's my quandary - I can't get him to a vet. With the best will in the world, I don't drive, and it's been snowing. Taxis are going to be out of the question and it's bitter out there, I don't really want to be carrying two skinnies outside at all if I don't have to. This thing, whatever it is, isn't growing fast or it would've been obvious much sooner, and it's not causing him discomfort outside of "warm the house up human" they've both got going on, anyway.

I don't know if I need advice or what. Should there be anything else I'm doing bar keeping an eye on it?
It's apparently 0° out there and due to snow again for at least the third time since I've woken up, and I can believe it, the sky's the colour for it. I know it's not his fault, the timing's just crap.

Thank you both, I appreciate it (and I'm sure Bann does too) :)
Try not to worry, hard I know. I've had several piggies with lumps and the vets have said in all but one case wait and see. Nugget had a grease gland tumour but that was ever so obviously in need of removal it grew very quickly, it was on the surface, rough, and bled when knocked. Thinking of you both, stay warm!
Here my take on it. It’s been there a while, it isn’t fast growing and it isn’t bothering him…it isn’t an emergency, it can wait until the weather is better and you can get him a routine appointment. I know exactly how you feel, though - it’s nagging at you now you’ve confirmed it and you want it looking at asap to reassure you. But it really can wait.
it’s nagging at you now you’ve confirmed it and you want it looking at asap to reassure you.

This is exactly it.

Even though he's dark he's got the occasional patch of lighter skin, usually around the belly where the skin settles, which is incidentally exactly where this is. I can only confirm it now because you can see it when he stretches out. He's definitely been out of bed, I've gone in a few times to him in the hay pile, or head and shoulders deep into a hay cube...or the last time, trying to get his head over the bars for the lettuce, as far as he's concerned it's business as usual and he's weighing fine.

I know I should take my cues from him on this, and the weather backs him up. I think I'm just annoyed I didn't properly catch it sooner.
I want to be like "how tf did I miss this" but unless he's like this right in front of me, it's been very hard to see. You know, until the bloody snow starts.


Where abouts is the lump? I can’t see it on the photos? I would book a routine appt for late next week when the weather is going to be less cold. You can put a cozy in the carrier and then drop some fleece or a blanket of the carrier. or maybe out a couple of snuggle safes in or a warm hot water bottle covered with fleece? That should keep them warm while you travel
Good luck, hope it’s easily sorted
Behind his right shoulder, towards the bottom of his ribcage. If you can see the sort of lighter coloured stripe he has from his spine to belly, it's at or around the bottom of that stripe. When he's standing still, and his skin bunches itself together, it's much harder to see because it blends with the folds too well.
Yes, I can see it now, was looking at his back. I hope it’s nothing to worry about, probably a cyst 🤞
It definitely hasn't affected his appetite, he was looking for the lettuce I'd left in the hall while I got the photographs, lol. Oh, Bann. Whatever will I do with you? I'm feeling a bit better about this than I did when I first realised this morning, especially since he's still adamant he wants his food and he wants it ten minutes ago.

And thank you, everyone, seriously.
Oh Bann. I found a lump on my skinny Jellybaby in May. The vet said keep an eye on it as others have said. A vet visit will put your mind at rest but unless it suddenly gets bigger I’d wait a few days till the weather is more favourable. It‘s perishing cold for the skinnies if you have no transport.
Skinny pigs are very prone to fatty lumps so try not to worry too much. Unless the lump suddenly starts to get bigger, I would definitely wait until the weather is better. If you need any help with transport to the vet drop me a message. xx
Sorry I just found this thread.
It’s always a worry with piggies and lumps. You’ve had good advice and the fact that Bann is eating / drinking and doing what Bann does is reassuring for you. In this weather it’s not good to be out if you’re a skinny piggy ….
We’re all here for you Lorcan !
Just seen this there now. I have two comments to throw into the pot…..

1 I’m hoping it’s a fatty lump type thing - Lucy has one on her rump.

2 Don’t feel bad - piggies are difficult to observe and know everything that’s going on - they don’t exactly make it easy with their skittish behaviour. Also - I’m sure lots of hairy piggies get lumps that no one even notices. At least you have caught this and can watch it and then when it’s safe for Bann he can go to the vets!

That is all 🥰
It's still barely above freezing today, even if I did manage to get their room to just under 20° with the sun earlier but that's gone and I've turned the heating back on. Better it hits 20+ before dropping than dropping and having to be warmed up afterwards. I've gotta go to the GP tomorrow so I'm going to see how travel is then and go from there. Streets didn't get gritted last night from what I heard and they're going to be a mess if that's the case. Thrice frozen snow and then some.
My Jaspy now has 5 little lumps, I really panicked when I found the first one, now they’re popping up everywhere! Little cysts that don’t bother him in the slightest, so hopefully the same for Bann, especially as it’s not growing.
Totally get you with the cold weather, it’s so blumming freezing at the moment. I’d like to get a Orla in for a check up soon at Cat and Rabbit but I’m putting it off until it’s a bit warmer, for skinnies it must be even more of a worry!
Sending you both big hugs :)
I agree with everyone else. If it isn’t a fast growing lump, it can wait until it’s warmer outside. My Elizabeth has several fatty lumps on her belly. The first one scared me as it’s near her nipple but vet said it isn’t attached to anything and feels fatty. She offered to do a fine needle biopsy but advised me to wait and see so I did and that was over 18 months ago. Off topic but it was with the vet I told you I wasn’t happy with with the treatment that Edward received. But I think she was having an off day as she’s been great ever since. She’s operating on my cat, Harrison on 3rd January and talked me through the operation and helped put my mind at rest over the phone so please ignore what I said about her
I feel like if you need more reassurance it might be worth phoning the vet, explaining why you can't get there, and asking for their thoughts.
Thanks :) I'm expecting someone out about the drains today or tomorrow, but it's still barely above freezing and I'm not happy with taking them outside in that chill. Heck I stood out there with a heavy hoodie on while discussing what we were gonna do about the blockage and 3 fingers on my right and one on my left hands have gone numb (Raynauds).
Bann's still his usual self, and I'm happy (at this point) to leave it as it is until I can get to a vet once it's warmed up even a couple of degrees.
Still waiting on the weather to catch itself on, still too cold to be taking him outdoors. I don't think the lump's grown although with where it is, it's easy to catch it at different angles so it looks bigger or smaller. He's not doing anything odd, or anything Cam isn't doing, and I'm not unhappy with how he is. Bloody weather.