bank bedding

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Adult Guinea Pig
Jan 17, 2007
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I have over the last three weeks tried bank bedding (think that's what is is called)my pigs,where i just keep putting fresh bedding on top of the old.
It did work but really started to smell, so i think i will have to go back to a once a week change,

I tried this due to my op and being out of action for a couple of months, the idea being the less my hubby has to think of the better, but it looks like i am gonna have to by a couple of packs of post it notes ::)

so have stripped the shed right back, disinfecting it and then going to let it air, to dry right out
I don't think it's a great idea to do that. It's a bit like composting - the layers underneath will start to decompose and that's what causes the smell. The problem is also with the lack of oxygen in the layers underneath - it encourages anaerobes. These are bacteria that thrive in oxygen-free environments. Some of them are real nasties.
yes i agree with you on that, i was just looking for ways to keep the guineas in a clean environment ? sort of but with the least lack of care, as they are going to have to deal with the bare minimum whilst i am away :(, I mean my hubby will look after them but he doesn't know much about them, have tried to teach him but he isn't the best for holding information ::)
I've given up on the idea of my OH looking after them for the first couple of weeks after we're home with the baby. Though he would gladly feed, handle and water them he still won't clean them. Thankfully my mum offered to help before I even asked her. What about something like fleece that can be swept rather than having to worry about big areas of poop?
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