Banbury Or Bust?

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hot fox

Junior Guinea Pig
Sep 20, 2009
Reaction score
Brackley, Northamptonshire
Following on for a thread I wrote somewhat previously, and adding to my new fame as a Marathon Runner, and having discovered some other piggle type people lurking near here, I propose we try to arrange a meet up?
One of our kind was visiting a Wormy or Warmy Falcon place at Whitsen which seems a good time and place to me?
If anyone would like to add to this thread with possible times, dates, venues then I would be most grateful, as I am not from round here. I am relatively new to Oxfordshire/Northamptonshire.
I shall look forward to additions to my ramblings. Any other newbies very warmly welcome. x)
Is there a secret TGPF handshake or something to identify other forum members on such meets?


Lmao! I have previously offered to wheek loudly at previous meets to make my prescence known! :))
I'm about 45mins to an hour away from northampton and an hour from banbury so I'd be up for it if the day suits :)
i will be away in france that week but definitely up for the next one.
We must all wear pants on our heads and pencils up our noses and say "Bibble Bibble Bibble".
I can do Sunday 3rd June, Monday 4th, Tuesday 5th and Wednesday 6th June. Any time is good for me. I'll see if I can drag a couple of other Piggle chums along too.
Please let me know what is good. I will definitely be bringing one daughter who is wise in All Things Piggle. I may see if the Debmeister is interested too!
I would suggest we all bring a Jolly Picnic?
It's my OH's birthday on the 3rd of June so may or may not be able to come that day. Will have to try and arrange some sort of transport as I don't drive, but I'm up for it :)
Lmao! I have previously offered to wheek loudly at previous meets to make my prescence known! :))
I'm about 45mins to an hour away from northampton and an hour from banbury so I'd be up for it if the day suits :)

offered? you didn't offer in Birmingham you just did it and Claire could hear you wheeking from outside the pub! :))

My fella is Northampton way so if he's around that weekend and I'm at his etc then it may give us something to do :)
Jeez talk about name & shame :red ;)
Or we could go together on the train if you like Kelly (I promise to control the wheeking)
It was a great wheek Bev!

Next time we should have a 'rumble dance' competition, Rach did a great impression of Cookie rumble dancing the other day... :))
Lmao! Id be interested to see everyone's interpretation of a rumble strutt! :(|)
Would you and Rach come to Banbury/Northampton?
Did you video Lee? :))

No, but there's always another time.... :))

Lmao! Id be interested to see everyone's interpretation of a rumble strutt! :(|)
Would you and Rach come to Banbury/Northampton?

We'll have a rumble strut competition at next Brum one.

Unsure on Banbury as really busy in June. 10 year wedding anniversary and also doing a lot of decorating...
I may be able to come by train to either Banbury or Northampton, but I need to work out the dates with hub first.
Aw! You need to give my OH a few pointers, i bet he don't say that about me, especially after the last 24 hours. xx
really quite sad i won't be able to make it, you all sound like great fun!
Kesmin I am sure we could do a cup of tea another time! I tried to pm you but I don't think you can reply as a newbie. Need a certain amount of posts or threads I believe.
I had forgotten I have a 10km and garden party on Sunday 3rd so I can do the Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. I would suggest the Wednesday may be less busy as it's not a Bank Holiday.
If people who can go can post their availability we can fine tune the arrangements. Or the logstics will become too confusing I fear!
And Shelza I can pick you up no problem!
Tuesday or Wednesday would be good for us. Sue has got to go into work so will be commuting back to Birmingham on those days so we shall be staying on site at the Falconry centre (if you want to meet us there). If the weather is good the piggies will be getting plenty of outside time.

Kesmin I am sure we could do a cup of tea another time! I tried to pm you but I don't think you can reply as a newbie. Need a certain amount of posts or threads I believe.
I had forgotten I have a 10km and garden party on Sunday 3rd so I can do the Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. I would suggest the Wednesday may be less busy as it's not a Bank Holiday.
If people who can go can post their availability we can fine tune the arrangements. Or the logstics will become too confusing I fear!
And Shelza I can pick you up no problem!

Thanks, that would be awesome if you could. I don't mind which day really as don't have plans (apart from the 3rd).
I'm back to work then too :(
But if you do go for the wednesday let us know if you arrange another! :)
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