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Bald red patch above guinea pig nose? Also lump on his back :’(


New Born Pup
Mar 15, 2022
Reaction score
I have just noticed a bald red patch on my piggy Ringo’s nose. Ive read that it could be ring worm by i’m not sure. The vets are closed so I can’t call them until the morning so I’m a bit stuck and a bit of an emotional wreck to be honest. He is 5 years old and is the dominant pig out of himself and his brother George, so i don’t know if he has bothered George in any way for him to finally bite him, but it also doesn’t look like it could be from fighting. I just feel so guilty that i’m so helpless at the moment. He also has 2 fatty lumps by his shoulder blades which when we took him to the vet about that, they said there was nothing wrong, but one of those lumps has started to grow a black sort of scab on top which is worrying me even more.

Does anyone have any idea what this could be? My poor baby😭😭

I have just noticed a bald red patch on my piggy Ringo’s nose. Ive read that it could be ring worm by i’m not sure. The vets are closed so I can’t call them until the morning so I’m a bit stuck and a bit of an emotional wreck to be honest. He is 5 years old and is the dominant pig out of himself and his brother George, so i don’t know if he has bothered George in any way for him to finally bite him, but it also doesn’t look like it could be from fighting. I just feel so guilty that i’m so helpless at the moment. He also has 2 fatty lumps by his shoulder blades which when we took him to the vet about that, they said there was nothing wrong, but one of those lumps has started to grow a black sort of scab on top which is worrying me even more.
Please do have him seen by a vet for both his nose and the scab on the lump. In the meantime, exercise good hygiene in case it is ringworm.

Ringworm: Hygiene, Care And Pictures
definitely going to ring in the morning. Thank you so much though, i was trying to post photos of them but had no idea how to do it because you have to copy the link of it. just hope my poor baby will be ok😢x
I hope you can get to the vet soon and it’s something easily sorted.
here’s the photos i’ve finally managed to figure out how to do it


  • 97D8F46C-3F7B-4E42-8A3A-9A0527F03385.webp
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  • 35397CED-8C04-47B3-A3F4-1FCC604FFE8D.webp
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here’s the photos i’ve finally managed to figure out how to do it


Best have him booked in.

It is difficult to tell for us from your pictures whether it is potentially ringworm or something stuck on the nose (like boar glue = dried semen fluid) that has come off. If the area gets larger with every day and you notice a white crust, then you are most likely dealing with ringworm. In this case, please follow the detailed advice in our Ringworm guide. 15 years of practical experience on this forum have gone into it.

The lump on the back could be a burst cyst; best have it checked for potential infection and removal as it is going to refill again otherwise. Your vet can advise - we can only guess without any hands-on examination (not that we are qualified to diagnose and replace a vet in the first place).

PS: The best way is to upload pictures via the Attach files button underneath your post when you write it. We are not part of social media (which gives us total freedom and control in how we want to run this forum as a friendly and supportive space) but it means that we cannot always support the whole width of different formats when it comes to dragging pictures across and do not have a video uploading function in view of us running on voluntary member donations.