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Bald Patch

  • Thread starter Thread starter littlemisslovely1973
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Hi. Just noticed a bald patch on Jasmine. It's between her shoulder blades and is about the size of a 20p piece. She rumbles at you when you touch it and it seems to be a little bit red but not much. It has evidently been there for some time as there is already a slight regrowth of hair. Has anyone heard of this and should I take her to the vet?
it sounds like mites
i'd get an appointment at the vets and get it treated!
should be easy and done and dusted in a couple of weeks all going well!
Does this mean she will need to be kept seperate from my other guinea pig. Have had my piggies for approximately 3 weeks and bought them from P@H. They have spent 3 days in the same cage. since then one or other of them has had a chest infection. It's becoming very iresome.
Sorry to hear you are having these problems,but do not give up.ILt does sound like mites and Zeno 450 from your vet will get rid of them.

There is no need to seperate them,in fact this will only stress them more.The other piggies may not get the mites,if they do,just treat them with the Zeno 450.You can do this yourself,the product is in small pipettes and you just put a few drops on the skin at the back of the neck,and down the spine.You may need to repeat in 10 days.This product is only available from a vet.
Thanks guys. Is it best to ask the vet for treatments for both piggies then? There doesn't appear to be any hair loss on Belle at the moment but maybe better safe than sorry. It could be stress couldn't it? I mean these poor babies have been apart from the best part of 3 weeks and i was hoping to put them back together on Friday (after Belle has been on her ABS for a fortnight). She's still a little sneezie so I thought it best to.
I never seperate piggies because it causes too much stress.There are very few things that can pass betwen gps ,and in any case,once the symptoms show any infection would have already ben passed on.
Recently went through this with my pigs. Tea Tree Oil works well. You can get it at your local health food store or online. It is often used as a head lice substitute. Works great and this way you don't have to worry about toxicity from medicines. Just start initially by massaging several drops into ALL your guinea pigs skin. Let soak for several hours. Then bath the pigs mixing twice as much tea tree oil as shampoo. Clean the cage and wash everything. The second morning and night massage more into their skin. The third morning massage some in their skin and then bathe them that night. The fourth treatment should be 1 week later, the fifth 1 week later, and the sixth 1 week later. This should have everything taken care of. Tea Tree Oil covers mites, fungus, all of it.
Took Jasmine to the vets and he gave her an injection. Says we've caught it very early so treating it shouldn't be a problem. Got to take her back on May 16th and Belle too just to check her over.
I think Ivermectin is the only cure for mites. They are very persistant so they need a proper chemical to clear them rather than tea tree O0

Belle should be fine :) I had a pig with mites and she was living with 2 others - one got them and the other didn't. So it's all hit and miss.
Hope Jasmine's mites clear up soon :)
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