Balance Of Food

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Junior Guinea Pig
Dec 15, 2014
Reaction score
Bournemouth, Dorset, UK
I read somewhere that for piggies you should give them an infinite supply of hay and pellets and 2 ounces each of veg per pig per day (in separate bowls) together with an unlimited supply of fresh water changed daily in bottles and twice daily if in a bowl. I know that Timothy hay is preferred (because of the benefits for their teeth?) but meadow hay can also be used. 80% of their diet is hay. I'm doing all of this and ensuring (from the food list posted on here previously) that they always they have some veg high in vitamin C. Am I on the right track? Thanks.
Only pigs under six months need unlimited pellets. I'm not sure how old yours are. Everything else sounds great.
Only pigs under six months need unlimited pellets. I'm not sure how old yours are. Everything else sounds great.
Ahhh. Good point. My piggies have been adopted from a rescuer and she could only guestimate their ages at between 12 and 18 months. Polo weighs 1010 grams and Tedee weighs 750 grams.
I agree with Piggyfan. The bags of nuggets often tell you on the packet how much per day for different weight piggies. For example, the Burgess Excel brand is 40g per day per piggy for the weight ours are.

Actually nuggets I hd understood are not really essential at all. I like to give them though because of the nutrients they include for my own peace of mind. Hay and veg are essential.
I give my pigs pellets but they seem to gorge on hay and eat very few pellets lol! At this point, I've just kind of worked out how much they like to consume and then I just go with that daily.
I give my pigs pellets but they seem to gorge on hay and eat very few pellets lol! At this point, I've just kind of worked out how much they like to consume and then I just go with that daily.
I should also say that I don't fill the bowl right up either! I've worked it out to about 1/3 cup but between two pigs, they rarely finish it.
I should also say that I don't fill the bowl right up either! I've worked it out to about 1/3 cup but between two pigs, they rarely finish it.
I'm still learning what their habits are for eating (only had them 3 weeks). Hay and veg are the most popular and then with the pellets it seems to change day-by-dy at the moment. Thank you for your replies.
I usually leave an unlimited supply of pellets as my piggies prefer to eat hay and veggies so I leave them to choose for themselves. Unless piggies need to lose weight or eat too much/only pellets.
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