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Badger - Lumps & Op

  • Thread starter Thread starter Raindancer411
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Hi All, you may remember that I posted on here a month ago regarding lumps on Badgers back. It turned out that it was a bit from his brother and went down in time and just left a bald spot. I was relieved to say the least...

Then the other day when he was laying down I noticed a bald spot on his leg and a big lump. :( It wasn't bothering him so I left it and then on Saturday morning I come down to find he had bitten through it and took him straight to the vets. He squeezed it and said that it is a cyst and has to be removed and bring him back Monday morning to have it removed. Gave him two doses of baytril over the weekend and just dropped him off...

Thing is now I am worried as I have had him since 6 weeks old (Nov 03!). He is not a young guinea by any stretch, but he is just as lively as... Fingers crossed all goes ok... :-\

Thanks for the replies for the other post and shall let you know how he gets on... :)
Awww I am sure he will be fine :smitten: :smitten:
Healing wheeks from my boys to yours, let us know how he gets on :)
GOOD LUCK BADGER :smitten: :smitten: :smitten: :smitten: :smitten: :smitten:
Love we wish your little guy all the very very best and i'm sure they'll be able to remove it and then he'll be back to his cheeky self again :smitten: :smitten: :smitten: :smitten: :smitten:
(((((((((((HUGS)))))))))) for you it's not easy waiting while they're having an op, try to be positive O0 O0 O0
Yes please let us know how he goes O0
sending badger and yourself hugs and healing vibes and that everything goes well. :smitten: :smitten: :smitten: the girls send badger :-* :-* :-* he'll soon be popcorning again and wheeking for his food. :smitten:
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