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Bacrium and uri


New Born Pup
Jan 15, 2019
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I added a photo of the dosage of Bactrim that I have I have one pig that is 485g and one that is 796g the tablets I have are 800-160 my tabs what is the dosage they should have the only vet near us that sees pigs said that’s what they proscribe and I happened to have it at the house
I’m between pay days and it’s 150 per pig just to be seen that doesn’t include treatment or testing but I know they have uri


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Hi and welcome to the Forum.

Sorry to hear that your piggies are sick, but I am afraid it is not possible for anyone here to give you dosage instructions for them.
Before giving antibiotics (or any medication really) it is important they are seen by a vet to receive a proper diagnosis.

You say you have spoken with the vet and they have confirmed that this is the treatment they would prescribe, but if they haven't actually seen the guinea pigs and examined them, then it is impossible to be certain they both have urinary infections.
As they are both clearly quite young I really do advise you taking them for a medical check before giving any medication.
I’m afraid the forum cannot give you any advice on medicating your piggies. Please get them seen by the vet for formal diagnosis and treatment.
You could always try and ring a vets practice and see if they can give you advice on this and what Dosage.

However I would be very very careful self diagnosing and treating from home without a vets diagnosis.