New Born Pup
Hi, my 6 year old sow (7 in April) has I believe has a tooth problem (drops food, eats slowly, lost weight choked once on food). (Is currently on Critial care). Took her to the vets...who did her tooth surgery in January (she had spurs they sorted them out)... She had half the surgery recently done (front ones shorted, but vet said she didn't feel confident doing the back ones but she has referred me to an exotic). She said they are slightly overgrown not 'extreme'. I just don't know what to expect or do, she is really up and down in herself. Tries to eat her favourite treats now and again...but is much slower. I'm seeing the exoctic in the morning. If your guinea has a tooth problem, how often do they have to have them done? Does it depend on them individually? Any advice would be gratefully recieved.