Back To The Start Become Very Moody? Help

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Junior Guinea Pig
Apr 3, 2016
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Cheshire uk
I'm posting on here because although my piggies are not new I feel we have gone backwards. One has always been really shy and doesn't seem to be making any progress. The other was fine although hates being picked up but she has started too being very jumpy when I'm near and chatters a lot at me when she thinks I'm going to pick her up. I am hoping she's just grumpy as about 9mths old but it's worrying me a lot and each time I go near now I don't know if she's going to accept me that day or tell me to stay away. So rather than stress her out by keep picking her up I thought I'd go back to the start. Slow steps. Treats evert time they see me. No picking up unless I have to and get her used to strokes again with no fear... also with the other one n see if I get anywhere. Anyone else had similar issues in mood changes? I have to pick them both up later today for hair cuts which I am completely dreading! I have been very gentle and haven't a clue why the sudden change. They haven't been spooked or anything
My boar Mo always has a little chatter at me- he can have quite the attitude. He too doesn't like picking up though he doesn't chatter just runs around so I do it as little as possible. He usually chatters when I go to put him back in the cage- he wants to go back but he doesn't like that I have to put him back if that makes sense. Haha. He is getting better and now chatters when I fill his food bowl up- hurry up mum!
My boar Mo always has a little chatter at me- he can have quite the attitude. He too doesn't like picking up though he doesn't chatter just runs around so I do it as little as possible. He usually chatters when I go to put him back in the cage- he wants to go back but he doesn't like that I have to put him back if that makes sense. Haha. He is getting better and now chatters when I fill his food bowl up- hurry up mum!
Flossy chatters and looks really annoyed at me... so that I know that no hand is going near her without getting a nip. But should I be doing something to stop her or just leave her alone? She only just started it about 2 weeks ago but seems to be getting more frequent
Mo does it and he'll lift his lips to show me his teeth- don't u dare come near me or I'll bite u! But I say no or just leave my hand still so he knows I'm not there to scare or hurt him I'm just coming for a cuddle or to change his food/clean him out. Most of the time he'll keep his teeth out but sniff my hand and then he's like a kitten and he lay down,kick his legs out and roll over! Weird piggy lol. Flossy may just not fully understand what you're trying to do- if she does that and your hands near her do you just immediately pull your hand away because I used to do that in fear that he'd bite me and it only scared him and made it worse
Mo does it and he'll lift his lips to show me his teeth- don't you dare come near me or I'll bite you! But I say no or just leave my hand still so he knows I'm not there to scare or hurt him I'm just coming for a cuddle or to change his food/clean him out. Most of the time he'll keep his teeth out but sniff my hand and then he's like a kitten and he lay down,kick his legs out and roll over! Weird piggy lol. Flossy may just not fully understand what you're trying to do- if she does that and your hands near her do you just immediately pull your hand away because I used to do that in fear that he'd bite me and it only scared him and made it worse
First time she did it I had tried to pick her up and she managed to squirm out of my hands... so she hid and popes her head out chattering as if to say don't try that again! A few other times I'm just knelt by her cage and she turns and chatters with a warning. But I wouldn't then put my hand in . I just leave her alone... clean what's needed and leave
This guinea pig owning is very complex! I love that they are all different but really had no idea that they could be so stroppy or annoyed. It's just like having a dog... but I have much more of a clue with them haha
I'm posting on here because although my piggies are not new I feel we have gone backwards. One has always been really shy and doesn't seem to be making any progress. The other was fine although hates being picked up but she has started too being very jumpy when I'm near and chatters a lot at me when she thinks I'm going to pick her up. I am hoping she's just grumpy as about 9mths old but it's worrying me a lot and each time I go near now I don't know if she's going to accept me that day or tell me to stay away. So rather than stress her out by keep picking her up I thought I'd go back to the start. Slow steps. Treats evert time they see me. No picking up unless I have to and get her used to strokes again with no fear... also with the other one n see if I get anywhere. Anyone else had similar issues in mood changes? I have to pick them both up later today for hair cuts which I am completely dreading! I have been very gentle and haven't a clue why the sudden change. They haven't been spooked or anything

The behaviour is very typical for teenagers that are pushing the boundaries. You piggy whispering to assert your leaderpship, make clear in calm, but unmistakeable terms what is accepted and what is not accepted behaviour (praise lavishly anything that is going in the right direction) and give plenty of love and friendly assurance guinea pig style.
Use the whispering tips in this guide here: How To Understand Guinea Pig Instincts And Speak Piggy Body Language
Picking up a piggy goes against every instinct they have... Think of eagles from above. Have you tried using a chube or a conveyance to pick them up in? This is often more acceptable to piggies and doesn't stress them out.

it is a good idea just to go back a few notches like you are doing. To be honest with you our current pigs don't like cuddles or laptime. Sasspy will tolerate it with moaning after a few minutes so we don't do it much, we do however interact with them in the cage and can fuss two of them quite freely. Vimto really has none of it these days and prefers to run off :))
I think you are seeing the behavior change BECAUSE they feel comfortable with you. At first piggies freeze and play dead as reflex but they know that you mean them no harm so feel able to tell you they dont like being picked up. I would suggest using a technique to collect them with then when you do laptmes do it for small amounts of time and build up. Plenty of hand feeding in the cage and at meal times will endear you with them and help strengthen what I think you have is already a good bond.
The behaviour is very typical for teenagers that are pushing the boundaries. You piggy whispering to assert your leaderpship, make clear in calm, but unmistakeable terms what is accepted and what is not accepted behaviour (praise lavishly anything that is going in the right direction) and give plenty of love and friendly assurance guinea pig style.
Use the whispering tips in this guide here: How To Understand Guinea Pig Instincts And Speak Piggy Body Language
I do the main 3 things noted her... I make sure she gets lots of strokes on her nose and ear ... and by her eye to keep her calm . Though when she is chattering at me I don't fancy putting my hand close to lift up her chin showing her I am boss so I just leave her alone. I had to get them out for a quick cut which they totally hated more than normal. .. and am extra slow and gentle when I'm spot cleaning to try stop the jumpiness they had adopted again . Small steps I think again . But I find its hard showing who's boss as when they are nice I just stroke them while in their cage... when they chatter the biting does worry me a bit. I thought the more they got to know me the easier it is.. nope this is harder than when they freeze! But I feel reasurred I'm going in the right direction
I do the main 3 things noted her... I make sure she gets lots of strokes on her nose and ear ... and by her eye to keep her calm . Though when she is chattering at me I don't fancy putting my hand close to lift up her chin showing her I am boss so I just leave her alone. I had to get them out for a quick cut which they totally hated more than normal. .. and am extra slow and gentle when I'm spot cleaning to try stop the jumpiness they had adopted again . Small steps I think again . But I find its hard showing who's boss as when they are nice I just stroke them while in their cage... when they chatter the biting does worry me a bit. I thought the more they got to know me the easier it is.. nope this is harder than when they freeze! But I feel reasurred I'm going in the right direction

When she is chattering, she is not going to bite you; just expressing her dislike. It is then that you need to make sure that you are not putting up with that behaviour.
When she is chattering, she is not going to bite you; just expressing her dislike. It is then that you need to make sure that you are not putting up with that behaviour.
Thanks for that... helps a lot just got to get it in my head that she won't haha
One of our girls does not like being picked up, never has. If it becomes a chase to get her then it makes it much worse and she will chatter. So I make sure I am quick and confident in my moves (even if I don't feel it!) And this really helps because once she is out she is really happy, especially if we let her explore.
Our girls are about the same age as yours and they are definitely testing boundaries but I think it is important to remain confident and assertive because they will pick up on your nervousness and in turn they feel nervous and defensive.
Do you make sure you hand feed them treats like herbs? They are definitely swayed by their tummies.
Also a last thought there is no chance of mites is there? We have had a mild case and Dorothy our usually very placid, lap piggie did not like being touched on her back at all because it was sore but it took us a little while to realise what was wrong as there was nothing to see that was obvious at first.
One of our girls does not like being picked up, never has. If it becomes a chase to get her then it makes it much worse and she will chatter. So I make sure I am quick and confident in my moves (even if I don't feel it!) And this really helps because once she is out she is really happy, especially if we let her explore.
Our girls are about the same age as yours and they are definitely testing boundaries but I think it is important to remain confident and assertive because they will pick up on your nervousness and in turn they feel nervous and defensive.
Do you make sure you hand feed them treats like herbs? They are definitely swayed by their tummies.
Also a last thought there is no chance of mites is there? We have had a mild case and Dorothy our usually very placid, lap piggie did not like being touched on her back at all because it was sore but it took us a little while to realise what was wrong as there was nothing to see that was obvious at first.
Aww thanks for the advise... it's all so helpful I really think I would have given up classing myself as hopeless if it wasn't for this forum. I was also wondering re their skin. As they had a small cutown yesterday and my black one was very abnormal in not liking at all.. normally she is swayed with food. The white one screamed her little head off to start which made me think it was hurting her.. though she has done this before. I couldn't see anything in her hair and with her being white her skin is pinkish anyway. The black one has such a thick dark coat i cant see a thing there.A while ago they were itching a lot so took them the vets and they had mild case of lice... are mites the same? Neither seem to be scratching yt may take them anyway though it's not cheep near me just for piece of mind.
Thanks for that... helps a lot just got to get it in my head that she won't haha

She may tweak you, which is a deliberate and carefully judged act, but she is not going to sink her teeth into your fingers. ;)
Aww thanks for the advise... it's all so helpful I really think I would have given up classing myself as hopeless if it wasn't for this forum. I was also wondering re their skin. As they had a small cutown yesterday and my black one was very abnormal in not liking at all.. normally she is swayed with food. The white one screamed her little head off to start which made me think it was hurting her.. though she has done this before. I couldn't see anything in her hair and with her being white her skin is pinkish anyway. The black one has such a thick dark coat i cant see a thing there.A while ago they were itching a lot so took them the vets and they had mild case of lice... are mites the same? Neither seem to be scratching yt may take them anyway though it's not cheep near me just for piece of mind.
The only thing we noticed was Dorothy started to get a 'v' in her fur on her back. When we took them to the vet he found by pushing their fur back on itself their skin was a little dandruffy which apparently is a sign of mites. You can't see the mites.
Aw and you are not hopeless at all - these piggies are not as straight forward as you might think!
The only thing we noticed was Dorothy started to get a 'v' in her fur on her back. When we took them to the vet he found by pushing their fur back on itself their skin was a little dandruffy which apparently is a sign of mites. You can't see the mites.
Aw and you are not hopeless at all - these piggies are not as straight forward as you might think!
Can you remember what you treated that with?
The vet prescribed ivermectin
Yes that's what I had for their lice. I have a shop bought one that the vet said wouldn't be as strong as what she gave me ... she did say I could use that as a prevention on the odd time... may put that on n see if there is any change then if not take them the vets thx
OK I have not picked them up.. except the odd time in their cosy. I have stroked them loads but not on their back just face and had no chattering yet. The bold chatterer seems better and the very timid one kept shaking like when a dog shakes wet off when I touched her but I do wonder about her eyesight and maybe she's doing this cos I only touch her very gently and she just thinks somethings on her fur... sounds silly but when I tried to stroke her to nite and was a bit more not forceful but definate on her nose and piggie kisses she sat there n let me. Maybe just a 1 off. The only thing now is lack of picking up. If I stroke a lot will it be bad not picking them up much? It's finding what keeps them as happy as possible for me then we are all happy! !
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