Back To The Beginning......


Junior Guinea Pig
Oct 9, 2017
Reaction score
Midwest US
Hi! So awhile ago I had a problem. Pumpkin was stuck in a tiny pet smart cage. Eventually I built him a C&C cage big enough for 3 pigs, and was going to get him a friend. Then I switched rooms in my house to a much smaller one. The cage doesn't fit anymore, it's too big. I'm back at the beginning with him in the pet smart cage. It's not big enough for two pigs, let alone Pumpkin alone. I have to have him in my room with a gate because my dog and him don't get along... We've already had one accident (he's okay). So I need help creating a new cage! I still have the cage bars, zip ties, cytoplasm base, and everything from the old cage I can use. I can buy anything new if I need to. Also, I have an extra closet (for some reason there are two closets instead of one combined) which I could use if I needed to and just leave the doors open....but it's a wire bottom and I would want some kind of thicker sturdier base, maybe thin wood planks of some sort? Just a thought.
Can you show a photo of the closet? What kind of wire bottom? Can you put coroplast over the wire?
You'd need to completely cover the wire and have it covered with something with no gaps
I can definely cover it but I'm not sure my parents would let me keep him in there I just want him to be happy with a big enough cage.
You could ask your parents to help you come up with a solution - you could explain to them what Pumpkin needs and how you would like to make that possible for him.
I've tried to talk to them about it. They don't uneerstand and say he's happy in the little cage. But I know him and he's been a lot more skittish and nervous. Not much room to enjoy himself. Would a Midwest cage work? Maybe I can combine the two with a tunnel or something
Midwest cages are designed to fit together with each other, either in a square or an L shape for two cages. You wouldn't need to use a tunnel if you can get them next to each other.
Thank you so much. I think I might get another cage and connect them to make a bigger space