Baby Sows

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Junior Guinea Pig
Apr 8, 2016
Reaction score
Kent, England
Got my two babies on Tuesday. They seem to be OK together so far. Some chinning but one or the other always retreats. But today Bella keeps trying to chase Grace off and I have noticed wet marks on Grace's back and I think Bella had a bit of fur in her mouth (this could be her own). Both are eating together and I tried to look at Grace but I think that was scaring them even more. Bella seems to be mainly doing it when Grace is in or coming out of their step stool hidey so when I was feeding them tonight I took it out for a bit.

What should I do? Put another log arch in (there are two already in addition to the step stool)? Put the step stool back in? Ignore it? Ahh such a nervous new mum!
Is it possible to put two identical step stool hideys in?
My girls are around 2 months old now, and they have cardboard box hidey's (I cut a big hole in the front and two smaller holes in the sides of a cardboard boxes). Initially they had one bigger one and one smaller one, and suddenly they started fighting a lot in and around the houses. Loads of teeth chattering, rumbling, etc, almost always in the hideys. I took them both out and replaced them with two identical cardboard box hideys. Suddenly all that aggression has almost completely disappeared.
Thanks. I have put in three identical log arches and that seems to have helped a bit. Just have to wait it out I suppose, daunting though as never had to go through this before. Think I have read too much too so I keep analysing every move lol
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