baby Liquorice

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Nov 20, 2006
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ok hes at the stage where he needs to be seperated from his mum etc,but...who do I put him with so hes not alone?
I have lotsa groups of males and Dusty whos on his own but Dusty tries to hump him ::)
Lol Zubin did tht to ed dont worry just sit with them its good he hasnt chattered at him so go with it i would x
he kind of did after a bit but wouldnt leave him alone chasing him everywhere,I dunno what to do now

ok update
I put him in with Cream,Cracker and Tinsel and after Cream wombling about rumbling i think its all settling down,keep your bits crossed ?
now all we need is for Dusty to find some friends :(
Yeh like i said just keep on with it eventually it stops lol Ed was 7 weeks when he met Zubin who was nearly a year and it worked fine x
Ive just checked on them ,all 4 are ok now together,a little bit of rumbling from Cream but he gets the hint to shut up when i raise my voice,lol
Cracker and Tinsel are the perfect piggies ,they always seem to let anyone in without an arguement but Cream seems to like to boss the younger ones around,he'll have to accept anyway ,hes got no choice
I just hate seein Dusty sitting on his own :(
i think you should put him with dusty, at least they'll have a long friendship.
I did for a few times today but Dusty got nasty with him :(
Dusty is gonna go with some girls when hes been neutered
Your dusty sounds like My Harry he does not like boys at all! he was originally bought for Zub as a friend but that did NOT work so after seeing him around Tia and Maria and knowing it was possible for him to be compassionate to other piggies i booked him in and he couldnt be happier i saw him pop corn for the first time in ages after he moved in! The girls act like mums rather than girlfriends always licking him and head butting him to behave but he loves every minuete of it! and when they go back to the shed i will sleep easy knowing they are all ok!
Liquorice ended up with 3 other boys because Dusty died the other week
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