He is friendly enough but when I hold him he keeps nipping at my clothes and skin... not hard enough to cut, is he just tasting/testing everthing? will it stop? hes approx 8w old
Thanks thats a relief. My bigger two dont bite atall. They are adults though and I got them as adults
*Sigh* toddler hood is hard! Think I prefer adults
they're so lovely at all ages, I dont miss my piggies as babies, you just dont seem to notice them growing up, then all of a sudden, you see it and they're all of a sudden nearly fully grown and you wonder where they time went. its a priverlidge seeing them grow, makes you so proud
aww! i would imagin its just the same xThat seems to be the way with human babies too! one minute they were milky smelling poop machines and now they are off at school! scary how fast it goes (I have human babies btw boy age 6 and girl age 4)