Baby guinea pig question


Junior Guinea Pig
Aug 21, 2015
Reaction score
I've decided to put my own feelings to one side and get my Daisy a baby to keep her company. I'm not in the right frame of mind to be looking for another guineapig as Peri's passing is still very raw and painful for me.

So we are collecting a 7 week old baby girl on Saturday and I was wondering what the best way is to keep their foods separate. Baby needs Alfa hay but may give Daisy health problems and baby won't be able to eat the adult Oxbow food.

Any help would be much appreciated.

Thank you,
Well done for putting the needs of your remaining piggy first.
I know how hard this is and you have made a very brave decision.

At 7 weeks old your new piggy doesn't need alfalfa hay, or indeed any special diet, so there is no need to keep their foods separate.
Just feed her exactly what you already feed Daisy.
Although young pigs can eat alfalfa hay/pellets, they don't NEED alfalfa hay and pellets... we've always switched new babies over to the same timothy pellet and hay that our existing pig was already eating and had no ill effects. Our two current pigs have both been on Oxbow timothy pellets/hay since about four or five weeks of age. Hope this helps and good luck with your new arrival!
Although young pigs can eat alfalfa hay/pellets, they don't NEED alfalfa hay and pellets... we've always switched new babies over to the same timothy pellet and hay that our existing pig was already eating and had no ill effects. Our two current pigs have both been on Oxbow timothy pellets/hay since about four or five weeks of age. Hope this helps and good luck with your new arrival!
Thank you, little Lily is settling in nicely. Daisy instantly took a shine to her. Each time I start a new bond it always takes a few weeks to bed in but they are like best mates already. Yes little legs is on the same diet as big pig 😊


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