New Born Pup
About a week and a half ago, one of my beloved piggies passed away. I had 2 at the time and suddenly I then only had one. I spent the day cuddling with my baby and thought that he needed a new sibling. After doing much research and talking to a vet, I came to the decision to find him a little brother. So I went to the pet store and found a piggy that, I figured, would be a perfect match. I left the new little guy alone in his new habitat for 2 days. After having some time alone, I slowly started to introduce them. First, on my chest which they did fine with. Then a day later, in a play pen covered with towels (did this for a couple of days), which they also did fine with. And lastly, attempted the transition into a cage. But I’ve found that my new piggy tries to assert his dominance, almost constantly, while in the cage. He attempts to hump the older pig frequently, chases him, steals his toy and sometimes food. I’ve tried to find information on baby Guinea pigs (8 or 9 weeks) asserting dominance on older Guinea pigs (2 and 1/2 years old).. but have found literally nothing. I am afraid that this new addition to the family is causing way to much stress to my older piggy and that’s the last thing I want. I am unsure of what to do at this point, other than to just let them be on their own.